
Simple, decomplected, isomorphic HTML UI library for Clojure and ClojureScript | 0.12.8
sooheon 2018-01-22T08:12:53.000211Z

@rauh that state inspector is pretty damn magical. never ceases to surprise me what people more experienced than me can do

rauh 2018-01-22T08:17:29.000095Z

@sooheon Yeah I really this as well. I've actually been using it a lot since I had the idea. Another reason why Rum > Reagent, since in reagent they always close over their local reactive atoms, which means you'll NEVER find that local state to inspect. 🙂

sooheon 2018-01-22T08:18:59.000024Z

Yeah. The re-rendering issue discussed above, and keechma the framework drove me to reagent for a current project, but I enjoy Rum more personally