
Simple, decomplected, isomorphic HTML UI library for Clojure and ClojureScript | 0.12.8
jimmy 2018-07-11T15:20:33.000321Z

@souenzzo how about using graphql?

mattly 2018-07-11T16:15:16.000053Z

graphql is probably very close to what you want

souenzzo 2018-07-11T18:36:54.000444Z

Yeah, it's almost graphql but without a new language. I expect something that allow to declare a query on the view and compose queries as I compose the views. Normalization also good.


[qlkit]( also sounds like it might fit the use case. I don’t see explicit bindings for Rum, but it looks un-opinionated enough that it should be relatively straightforward.


RE: graphql, are there any well-supported cljs graphql client libraries w/ bindings for rum?

mattly 2018-07-11T19:18:19.000300Z

my question there is, how are you managing your state?

mattly 2018-07-11T19:18:40.000311Z

you can ask "are there graphql bindings for react?" and the answer is the same thing

mattly 2018-07-11T19:19:18.000216Z

graphql is pretty straightforward to consume

mattly 2018-07-11T19:19:40.000109Z

it's when you start getting into subscriptions, or partial updates of your local state or whatnot, that you start running into thorny problems

mattly 2018-07-11T19:20:09.000130Z

and those are all adjacent to the problem rum solves, which is representing data as views


yeah, what I’ve been hoping to find is a cljs graphql client library w/ bindings for Rum, similar to the js Apollo or Relay bindings for React

mattly 2018-07-11T19:23:06.000338Z

I'm not entirely sure those even exist for re-frame 😛


yeah, I haven’t seen anything for graphql that looks particularly promising. qlkit seems to be taking a stab in that direction, ditto fulcro, om-next, and possibly Reagent/Posh/Datascript and ReFrame/Re-Posh/Datascript

mattly 2018-07-11T19:26:46.000381Z

rum is pretty hands-off as far as state management goes, especially compared to om or reagent

mattly 2018-07-11T19:27:30.000437Z

I personally am using #citrus but that again is one step removed from the problem of, how do I ingest data from an http source?