
Simple, decomplected, isomorphic HTML UI library for Clojure and ClojureScript | 0.12.8
pepe 2018-07-12T07:46:41.000335Z

@mattly I am using it brings all the RxJS machinery with it, but I like it a lot.

đź‘Ť 1
pepe 2018-07-12T07:47:22.000252Z

Here is (maybe little bit outdated) example project

mattly 2018-07-12T16:42:54.000219Z


reptiloid 2018-07-12T19:51:57.000311Z

Hi there. I’m trying to use React Router Dom with rum. <Route> component accepts React.Component. In JSX it works this way <Route component={function here}> Could I do something like?

(rum/defc Users [props] [:div {} "Here I can access props like :id"] )
(Route {:path "/users/:id/" :component Users})
It doesn’t work that way but it works when I do something like that
(Route {:path "/users/:id/" :component #(Users (js->clj % :keywordize-keys true))})
And this one looks like a hack, do you guys know some better approach to do that?