Hi does anybody have an example of rendering nested comments?
@sova do you mean something like this https://github.com/tonsky/rum/blob/5757862c4cf63b0df94372531812dc308bc9a4f5/examples/rum/examples/bmi_calculator.cljc#L47
Is there any way to make clojure datastructures look pretty in React tools?
I think so. In console I get the following notification: "Installing CLJS DevTools 0.9.10 and enabling features :formatters :hints :async"
By react tools I mean https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/react-developer-tools/fmkadmapgofadopljbjfkapdkoienihi
And are you seeing it correctly formatted outside react tools? I'm asking 'cause mine has stopped worked recently (everywhere), but I couldn't pinpoint why
At least in JS console I see maps properly formatted
Are you using cljs-devtools?