
Simple, decomplected, isomorphic HTML UI library for Clojure and ClojureScript | 0.12.8
Ahmed Hassan 2019-03-17T08:09:16.001200Z

What's differences between using Rum with Citrus vs Rum with Datascript as state management solution?


I have a list of items which I need to re-render sometimes. Only the list changes, not the items, but the item components seems to be re-created. How do I avoid the react components to be re-created? My problem is that I am doing a drag and drop, I am using the component as the identity of my item, and during the dragging operation the component is unmounted and a new one is created and mounted.


Is it wrong to use the React’s component as the identifier for the drag operation? I am using it instead of just its key in order to store some local states.