Hey, I'm working with Edamame at the moment and something I'm currently bumping into is that I don't know the exact position of non meta objects. It would be nice if I could get access to that data somehow. I was thinking maybe a flag to return a wrapper record for non meta types? e.g. somewhere in https://github.com/borkdude/edamame/blob/1357bca1cd38434394028e6280b60ba52a25d83d/src/edamame/impl/parser.cljc#L494-L500 With the following code added
(defrecord EdamameValue [value])
(with-meta (EdamameValue. obj)
{(:row-key ctx) (:row loc)
(:col-key ctx) (:col loc)
(:end-row-key ctx) (:row end-loc)
(:end-col-key ctx) (:col end-loc)})
Just a suggestion, not sure if it's a good solution. I would realy benefit from the extra information though. Thoughts?I noticed that obj
can also be :edamame.impl.parser/expected-delimiter
which should be ignored in this case. I don't know if there are any other special forms like this
Can you give a concrete example of how you would use this kind of output? FWIW, I'm using rewrite-clj in clj-kondo to get access to all locations, it returns wrapped values.
I do think edamame could also return these wrapped values, but maybe a function to write your own wrappers might be even more flexible
as it already accepts functions and options for most stuff
For example right now I'm checking if a value is the correct type. And if it's not I want to output the row / col of that value.
(Basically writing a simple compiler)
Or transpiler I should say
right. so we could hook in a simple function here: https://github.com/borkdude/edamame/blob/1357bca1cd38434394028e6280b60ba52a25d83d/src/edamame/impl/parser.cljc#L494-L500 that gets access to the new obj and metadata, so you could hook in your own thing there
That would be great. Something like a multmethod that matches on type? Or what did you have in mind?
no, nothing like that, just a function (fn [{:keys [:object :location]}])
so you can hook in your own implementation of what you want there
let me hack together an example
first, lunch
No rush, thanks! 👍
Something like this then?
yeah, although I would use a map argument instead of 2 positional ones, so it can be extended
Cool, I'll make a PR then
no need, I'm already working on it
but maybe it would be fun to see if you would come up with the same 😉
Probably won't though 😛
@kevin.van.rooijen So this is what will happen there:
user=> (parse-string "[1]" {:obj-fn (fn [{:keys [:obj :loc]}] {:obj obj :loc loc})})
{:obj [{:obj 1, :loc {:row 1, :col 2, :end-row 1, :end-col 3}}], :loc {:row 1, :col 1, :end-row 1, :end-col 4}}
Pushed a commit to a branch: f1f6cfb1f3c2e3057902fc8b92a05c5cb27dce2a
Ah ok, so this would apply for all types then
Well, that's up to your function, you can just pass through the object itself too, depending on the type
(fn [{:keys [:obj :loc]}] (if (map? obj) obj {:foo obj}))
Feel free to play with it and let me know if this works for you, before we merge it.
Right, currently I have this
(defn object-fn [{:keys [obj location]}]
(= String (type obj))
(with-meta (->GDString obj) location)
(= Long (type obj))
(with-meta (->GDInt obj) location)
(= Keyword (type obj))
(with-meta (->GDKeyword obj) location)
With the same idea, except that I was only applying it to the non meta typeI'll try checking out your commit
yeah, you can instead check if the object supports metadata and then do something different
That's also an option, but I need to check based on type anyway. So I think for my usecase this would be a bit more strict
user=> (parse-string "[1]" {:obj-fn (fn [{:keys [:obj :loc]}] (if (instance? clojure.lang.IObj obj) (vary-meta obj merge loc) [obj loc]))})
[[1 {:row 1, :col 2, :end-row 1, :end-col 3}]]
user=> (defrecord Wrapper [obj loc])
user=> (parse-string "[1]" {:obj-fn (fn [{:keys [:obj :loc]}] (if (instance? clojure.lang.IObj obj) (vary-meta obj merge loc) (->Wrapper obj loc)))})
[#user.Wrapper{:obj 1, :loc {:row 1, :col 2, :end-row 1, :end-col 3}}]
Ah I see it also takes care of ::expected-delimiter
yeah, that was something I ran into
Seems to work like a charm 🙂
Reading nested objects also seems to work quite well:
user=> (parse-string "#{1 1}" {:obj-fn (fn [{:keys [:obj :loc]}] [obj loc])})
[#{[1 {:row 1, :col 3, :end-row 1, :end-col 4}] [1 {:row 1, :col 5, :end-row 1, :end-col 6}]} {:row 1, :col 1, :end-row 1, :end-col 7}]
lucky guess 😉
Tests still pass and my issue is fixed. Good enough for me 😛
I might rename the function and write some tests, then I'll merge to master, but for you it will probably only be a keyword change. I'll let it sink in a bit while I do some other stuff
Sounds good. Thanks a lot for your help!
@kevin.van.rooijen Merged to master. I believe the only change was that :obj-fn
is now called :postprocess
@dominicm I believe you also asked for this feature once, about half a year ago maybe
I think I was looking at this for reader tags, so I could error gracefully.
edamame also has options for that I believe
I think you were looking at the metadata stuff for aero, for validating settings
since EDN etc doesn't have metadata in general but numbers, strings, etc do not carry metadata whatsoever
@kevin.van.rooijen btw, do you have a link to how you're using this, or is it closed source?
It's private at the moment. But I can open source it
I wonder if you postwalk the structure
Postwalking what exactly?
This is all I'm doing with it at the moment:
(defn obj-fn [{:keys [obj loc]}]
(let [loc (-> loc
(update :row dec)
(update :end-row dec))]
(= String (type obj))
(with-meta (->GDString obj) loc)
(= Long (type obj))
(with-meta (->GDLong obj) loc)
(= Keyword (type obj))
(with-meta (->GDKeyword obj) loc)
(= Boolean (type obj))
(with-meta (->GDBoolean obj) loc)
(with-meta obj loc))))
alright. I do recommend using the built-in predicates like (int? ...)
, (boolean? ...)
Hm, I'm honestly wondering why I didn't do that 😄
Nice to have a code review every now and then
also (with-meta obj loc)
will replace metadata on the obj, not sure if that's a problem in your tool
I don't think matter since I'm creating the records, right?
I mean it doesn't matter for me functionally speaking. But if I'm creating the record on the spot, which means they don't have any metadata
I was referring to the :else
branch where you are not creating records
Ah right. I noticed that the values in the :else
branch didn't have any metadata (in my case). But you're right. to be safe I should be using vary-meta
Do whatever you want, just something to note 🙂
I appreciate the feedback 👍