sci - also see #babashka and #nbb
borkdude 2020-08-07T06:47:35.444300Z

@kevin.van.rooijen it doesn’t, but I think for this kind of simple transformation it’s really better to write your own function that walks the structure instead of using sci for this

kwrooijen 2020-08-07T07:02:53.445Z


borkdude 2020-08-07T07:29:48.445500Z

@kevin.van.rooijen I think you can adapt this function from sci to create your own transpiler:

(defn analyze
  [ctx expr]
  ;; (prn "ana" expr)
  (let [ret (cond (constant? expr) expr ;; constants do not carry metadata
                  (symbol? expr) (let [v (resolve-symbol ctx expr false)]
                                   (cond (constant? v) v
                                         ;; (fn? v) (utils/vary-meta* v dissoc :sci.impl/op)
                                         (vars/var? v) (if (:const (meta v))
                                                         @v (types/->EvalVar v))
                                         :else (merge-meta v (meta expr))))
                     (map? expr)
                     (-> (zipmap (analyze-children ctx (keys expr))
                                 (analyze-children ctx (vals expr)))
                     (or (vector? expr) (set? expr))
                     (-> (into (empty expr) (analyze-children ctx expr))
                     (and (seq? expr) (seq expr))
                     (analyze-call ctx expr)
                     :else expr)
                   (select-keys (meta expr)
                                [:line :column :tag])))]
    ;; (prn "ana" expr '-> ret 'm-> (meta ret))

borkdude 2020-08-07T07:30:15.445700Z

You can also keep track of the depth, etc

kwrooijen 2020-08-07T07:56:21.446500Z

Currently at work so I can't look at this in depth. But I think you're suggesting to extract sci code and use that instead of using sci itself?

borkdude 2020-08-07T07:57:04.447300Z

Yes. Just walk your structure like in the above snippet. If it's a map, use zipmap, if it's a seq, treat it like a function call, etc.

kwrooijen 2020-08-07T08:00:51.449500Z

I'll take a look at Sci and see how it does it, always good to read other people's code. I already have a working implementation, I was mostly just tripping over the macro part. Last night I was able to figure out a decent solution though.

kwrooijen 2020-08-07T08:03:22.450900Z

Currently my transpiler supports all the language features of the target language. I now need to implement more clojure specific features. Which is quite a challenge for such a limited target language (but very educational)


Is there a Sci variation of the backquote? When working with Sci macros the ` doesn’t work as desired. E.g. for unknown keywords it will use the current clojure namespace which is not the current Sci namespace


I’m thinking of writing another macro for this if this doesn’t exist

borkdude 2020-08-07T08:34:23.455100Z

Can you make an example? Could be a bug, backquote should work as in Clojure.


No it is not a bug as far as i know. It’s more of a usability issue


Like the following doesn’t work intuitively

(def my-macro ^:sci/macro true
  (fn [_ _ form]
    `(some-other-ns-function form)

borkdude 2020-08-07T08:53:15.455700Z

Yeah, that's not something sci can do anything about, it's evaluated outside of it


yeah I was hoping to find some way of dealing with this, but the current-ns is not available either


My current efforts to write a macro for this are not very succesful yet. I was thing of having a macro where you pass the desired ns as an argument


Something like this

(defn sci-backquote* [current-ns form]
  (clojure.walk/postwalk (fn [x]
                           (if (symbol? x)
                             (if (namespace x)
                               (let [n (name x)]
                                 (if (clojure.string/ends-with? x "#")
                                   (if (resolve (symbol "clojure.core" n))
                                     (symbol current-ns n)))))

(defmacro sci-backquote [ns & form]
  `(quote (do ~@(sci-backquote* (str ns) form))))


It’s not working 🙂

borkdude 2020-08-07T08:57:01.456700Z

Maybe just use fully qualified symbols in your macros? That's how I tend to do it

borkdude 2020-08-07T08:57:30.456900Z

^:sci/macro true
should just be ^:sci/macro btw


ah good catch 🙂 thanks


yeah I use fully qualified symbols now, but it becomes a bit tedious. It’s ok for now


Not much too complain otherwise. Sci is working really well 🙂

borkdude 2020-08-07T08:59:54.457800Z

Cool! I do want to look at that iterate-max thing soon, but first I'm working on getting a proper stacktrace, which is a bit harder than I thought :)

borkdude 2020-08-07T09:00:32.458Z

and now it's ff-ing hot...


haha yeah brain is frying

borkdude 2020-08-07T09:01:03.458400Z

btw I think spire also has some logic around this same problem

borkdude 2020-08-07T09:01:07.458600Z

for macros


ah i’ll have a look