sci - also see #babashka and #nbb
Daniel Stephens 2021-02-22T09:28:40.002400Z

Hi 👋 I started messing around with some changes to get reify+defrecord to work with (java) interfaces. Tbh it was mostly just a learning experience for how things worked, which was successful, but I just wondered how viable this idea would be in reality. Basically it takes a class and uses some minimal reflection to get the methods from the class, and turns those into a defprotocol form. Eventually I was thinking it would be possible to do this at the start of a script for all interfaces in :classes of env. It definitely doesn't work for cljs currently and I'm not sure if it would work with graal, but wondering if it could be extended to do so?

Daniel Stephens 2021-02-28T20:16:58.005600Z

spent some more time messing around with this, might have something more viable. Basically sets up a reified IReified object as well and uses that as another class, so then you can get a combination of protocols and classes. Needs simplifying I expect, but if this makes sense I could add IReified into that 'combinations map' in babashka 🙂

borkdude 2021-02-28T20:21:09.005800Z

Looks promising :) I'll play around with it. Did you test it with babashka master?

borkdude 2021-02-28T20:24:58.006Z

as in running script/test on babashka master with this sci PR

borkdude 2021-02-28T22:25:10.006200Z

So all "reified" objects are a sci.imp.types.IReified (which then dispatches to protocols) AND optionally other Java interfaces. Yeah, that might work :-D Coool :)

Daniel Stephens 2021-02-28T22:38:36.006700Z

Had to run off after posting, sorry. Glad it sounds okay to you! Thanks for making the PR, when I get a chance I'll take a look at the tests, I don't think I have a great setup currently, so haven't figured how to point my babshka source at the edited sci repo, will take some time to look into that.

borkdude 2021-02-28T22:40:12.006900Z

@dstephens I think you can git clone babashka recursively git clone ... --recursive and then change the deps.edn :local/root for sci to point at your fork

👍 1
borkdude 2021-02-28T22:40:25.007100Z

and then run with clojure -M:main -e whatever.clj

borkdude 2021-02-28T22:41:02.007300Z

or, you can go into the sci submodule and check out your fork there

borkdude 2021-02-28T22:41:06.007500Z

that's how I usually do it

Daniel Stephens 2021-02-28T22:41:34.007700Z

ahh sweet, doesn't sound like too much involved, will have a look in the week 👍 cheers, goodnight for now 👋

borkdude 2021-02-28T22:41:47.008Z


Daniel Stephens 2021-02-22T09:31:37.002500Z

it works mostly! (the dot forms .read aren't right yet, but I think I could fix this up)

  "(class->protocol java.lang.Readable)
  (defrecord Something [] java.lang.Readable (read [_ cb] 1))
  (read (Something.) 2)"
  {:classes {'java.lang.Readable java.lang.Readable}})
=> 1

  "(class->protocol java.lang.Readable)
  (read (reify java.lang.Readable (read [_ cb] 1)) 2)"
  {:classes {'java.lang.Readable java.lang.Readable}})
=> 1

borkdude 2021-02-22T09:38:44.002800Z

@dstephens The main problem with supporting Java classes in defrecords is when these records are passed to Java methods. If they are not really implementing those types, then you cannot fool the Java methods

borkdude 2021-02-22T09:39:26.003Z

In reify they are already supported, but we have to generate a permutation of all interfaces beforehand, to circumvent bytecode compilation. This is done in babashka

👍 1
Daniel Stephens 2021-02-22T09:45:26.003700Z

ahh okay, that makes sense! I'll do some testing around the java interop with the records but I see why it wouldn't work. Thanks for your insight!

borkdude 2021-02-22T09:47:16.004Z

I guess we could support it if we made the result of defrecord something we reified the same as with reify and then implement the ILookup, etc interfaces ourselves, maybe.

borkdude 2021-02-22T09:47:44.004200Z

But one other challenge is to support a combination of reified Java interfaces and sci protocol methods, which is also currently not supported

Daniel Stephens 2021-02-22T09:48:52.004400Z

yeah, that's what I was sort of trying to mess around and get with this, right now I can get a mix of "classes" and protocols, but really it's just that they are all protocols. It's been an interesting ride though!

borkdude 2021-02-22T09:49:21.004600Z
