Hey there!
Would it be possible to somehow run :browser-test
and :node-test
targets within the same shadow watch process? If I do this at the moment, shadow looks up for namespaces with "-test$"
regexp and node-specific tests land in the browser-test target.
So the options would be either to run separate shadow processes with different classpaths, or to have more precise namespace naming convention for the regexps (like "$browser([\w-\.]+)test$"
and "$node([\w-\.]+)test$"
@me1676 if you structure your namespaces just right that might be enough too? your.app.frontend.foo-test
vs your.app.backend.foo-test
or your.app.whatever.foo-test
happy to add more filtering options if needed too. you also have the option to specify namespaces directly instead of just a regexp
just :namespaces [foo.bar-test ...]
and :exclude #{foo.dummy-test}
also exists
Ahh that’s nice, didn’t know about :namespaces and :exclude 🙂
if :namespaces
is used :ns-regexp
has no effect though
Do you think it would be possible to add something like :filepath-regexp
to filter based on the file paths?
sure but what would that do?
I mean it doesn't make sense in how I organize my tests so I first need to understand how you organize your tests to make a useful impl 😛
Alright, I’ll try explain. Source directories: src/browser — Namespaces pitch.app., pitch.components., pitch.integrations., pitch.something-else. src/node — Namespaces pitch.node., pitch.something-else. Test directories: test/browser — Namespaces pitch.app.-test, pitch.components.-test, pitch.integrations.-test, pitch.something-else.-test test/node — Namespaces pitch.node.-test, pitch.something-else.-test Unfortunately just by looking at the namespace it’s not possible to understand to if it belongs to browser or node bundle, that’s why ns-regexp can’t work in our case. However, if we can apply a regexp to the filepath of a cljs file, then it becomes easy
I guess this is only superficially a shadow question, but maybe someone could give me a hint I'm setting up devcards to give them a try and that works fine mostly, but shadow for some reason can't connect a REPL to the UI because it claims there is no watch running - so, I'm working with this shadow-cljs.edn
{:nrepl {:port 7002},
:dev-http {8082 ["env/dev/frontend" "resources/public"]}
:builds {:app {:target :browser
:output-dir "resources/public/js"
:asset-path "/js"
:modules {:asdf
{:base {:entries [asdf.core]}
:init-fn asdf.core/main}}
:devtools {:watch-dir "resources/public"}}
:devcards {:target :browser
:output-dir "resources/public/js"
:asset-path "/js"
:modules {:devcards {:base {:entries [devcards.core]}
:init-fn devcards.core/main}}
:devtools {:watch-dir "resources/public"}
:compiler-options {:devcards :true}}}
:lein true}
I'm currently serving the app via a ring server and not using the dev-http, I've set that up specifically for the devcards bit (which servces the env/dev/frontend folder because that's where I put the index.html for devcards for now.
Now I'm trying to connect a CLJS REPL to 7002 with IntelliJ which weirdly enough works fine for the app build, but not for the devcards build - in both cases I'm running lein shadow watch app
resp lein shadow watch devcards
(shadow/repl :devcards)
Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at shadow.cljs.devtools.server.nrepl-impl/repl-init (nrepl_impl.clj:28).
watch for build not running
Point is, I don't see any difference between the two cases that would factor in here@d.eltzner012 I'm guessing that you are running the (shadow/repl :devcards)
from the REPL started by lein repl
oh wait you are running two separate lein shadow
commands so that means you'll have two separate JVMs and the one you connected do only has app
lein shadow watch app devcards
should work and only give you one JVM
that's actually quite awesome to know (does it matter in that case that watch-dirs overlap?)
The problem was rather more stupid than I'm comfortable admitting - I had a terminal window burrowed somewhere that still had a watch job only on app running
but your hint made me look for it so thank you very much 🙂
@thheller, do you have any advice on how to enable data_readers.cljc
for a self hosted build? here is the shadow-cljs.edn
: https://github.com/sritchie/maria/blob/sritchie/last_attempt/editor/shadow-cljs.edn
I found a reference on the site about the compiler option to enable this (and your footgun warning 🙂 ), but it seems to not work when I add :compiler-options {:data-readers true}
to the bootstrap build
"not work" means, grabbing the error...
this does indeed work at a repl with data_readers.cljc
loaded, and I can see that it did make it into the jar
@sritchie09 for self-hosted that you are compiling you need to handle data-readers in the compiler yourself. nothing shadow-cljs can do to help that.
at least I don't think so. no clue really.
here be dragons!
thanks for the note, @thheller, I'll see if I can figure out how to get it working down the road
and write down my lessons from the mines
Sorry to double-post, but I think I asked this after-hours last night and missed everyone. I'm rather stuck on it, so fingers crossed there's an easy answer:
How should I use a CommonJS/ES6 namespace in a ClojureScript macro? I'm following @thheller's https://code.thheller.com/blog/shadow-cljs/2019/10/12/clojurescript-macros.html, which suggests that `defmacro` within a .`clj` file should use a fully-qualified namespace. But going by the shadow-cljs User Guide's https://shadow-cljs.github.io/docs/UsersGuide.html#_using_npm_packages, I don't see how to use a fully-qualified namespace with CommonJS/ES6 imports, because they are referred to with strings as in `(:require ["module-name"])`.
@neil.hansen.31 I recommend that you don't access npm packages directly but instead create a helper fn that does so and call that from the macro
Thanks @thheller, I'll try that right now.
That totally worked, I should have thought of that. Thanks!
(merge cljs.tagged-literals/*cljs-data-readers*
{'sicm/complex sicmutils.complex/parse-complex
'sicm/bigint sicmutils.util/parse-bigint
'sicm/ratio sicmutils.ratio/parse-ratio}))
as a hack, @thheller this does it, if I type this in on the page itself!
@me1676 in 2.11.1
you can specify :test-paths ["test/node"]
in the test build configs which will only make it use namespaces matching ns-regexp
from those paths. they need to be classpath roots and already on the classpath though. maybe that works.