shadow-cljs | |
thheller 2020-09-24T07:26:57.001400Z

@daemianmack you can just run shadow-cljs watch build1 build2 build3 and then shadow-cljs cljs-repl build1 and so on (or nrepl) to talk to a specific REPL for a given build

thheller 2020-09-24T07:27:35.002Z

you can have as many REPLs as you want but most editors don't do session management very well

andre 2020-09-24T09:33:35.003Z

hi, when upgrading from 2.9.2 to the latest version, there is an error on Android, but works fine on ios , react native project

andre 2020-09-24T09:34:02.003100Z

andre 2020-09-24T09:44:30.004100Z

and it seems work fine with hermes engine disabled

andre 2020-09-24T09:49:31.005300Z

so something has been changed after 2.9.2 and it won't work in hermes engine

thheller 2020-09-24T09:51:47.005900Z

hmm no clue. would help to know what that statement was ๐Ÿ˜›

yenda 2020-09-24T10:01:06.007800Z

@thheller there is an instant crash with shadow-cljs on react-native when using the hermes engine "Property Long doesn't exist" related to goog.math.long.js . I bisected through shadow-cljs versions and it looks like 2.9.4 is clean, 2.9.5 is not on npm, and 2.9.6 has the bug

yenda 2020-09-24T10:02:19.008600Z

we are not using goog.math.long anywhere directly, but it looks like transit does indirectly

yenda 2020-09-24T10:04:04.009100Z

since it works fine in release I wonder if that could be related to this commit

yenda 2020-09-24T10:05:10.009400Z

or maybe even just the goog module hot-reload

thheller 2020-09-24T10:08:17.010Z

I don't have a clue. goog.math.Long is used by cljs.core. sounds like a bug in hermes to me though?

thheller 2020-09-24T10:09:07.010900Z

I assume you tested with 2.11.4 too?

yenda 2020-09-24T10:09:10.011Z

It can't be a bug in hermes because there is no bug in shadow-cljs 2.9.4, and no bug in release

yenda 2020-09-24T10:10:43.011400Z

yes I tried 2.11.4 as well

yenda 2020-09-24T10:10:55.011800Z

any version above 2.9.4 has the bug

yenda 2020-09-24T10:11:06.012100Z

(2.9.5 is not on npm for some reason though)

thheller 2020-09-24T10:11:56.012600Z

just set :version "2.9.5" in shadow-cljs.edn (assuming you use neither project.clj nor deps.edn)

thheller 2020-09-24T10:12:56.013300Z

is there more to the "Property Long doesn't exist" error though? I can't do much without knowing what the actual code is that crashes

thheller 2020-09-24T10:12:59.013500Z

and how

thheller 2020-09-24T10:13:11.013800Z

I mean just run a shadow-cljs compile build and load it

thheller 2020-09-24T10:13:18.014100Z

if it crashes the code should be easy to find

yenda 2020-09-24T10:13:42.014800Z

no compilation is fine as I said release works with any version

thheller 2020-09-24T10:13:45.015Z

it might be a bug in hermes because of eval

thheller 2020-09-24T10:13:59.015600Z

release builds don't eval

yenda 2020-09-24T10:14:06.015800Z

and the crash doesn't give much info

yenda 2020-09-24T10:14:25.015900Z

yenda 2020-09-24T10:14:39.016400Z

in the phone logs it's even less

thheller 2020-09-24T10:14:46.016600Z

run shadow-cljs compile build

thheller 2020-09-24T10:15:03.017Z

then the app/index.js is self-contained and won't connect to the REPL

thheller 2020-09-24T10:15:11.017200Z

you can edit that file

thheller 2020-09-24T10:15:26.017500Z

it will have a bunch of evalLoad calls

thheller 2020-09-24T10:15:59.017700Z

env.evalLoad = function(name, code) {

thheller 2020-09-24T10:16:11.018100Z

should be in the code somewhere in the beginning

yenda 2020-09-24T10:16:17.018500Z

yenda@desktop:~/clash-mobile$ shadow-cljs compile app
shadow-cljs - config: /home/yenda/clash-mobile/shadow-cljs.edn  cli version: 2.8.76  node: v12.16.1
[:app] Compiling ...
Failed writing cache for taoensso.encore: java.lang.Exception: Not supported: class$analyze$fn__11740
[:app] Build completed. (271 files, 270 compiled, 0 warnings, 11.07s)

thheller 2020-09-24T10:16:23.018800Z

maybe try adding console.log("loading", name, code) or so

thheller 2020-09-24T10:16:46.019Z

just to find the code that actually fails

yenda 2020-09-24T10:17:12.019400Z

when I run the code generated by shadow-cljs compile build I have no error

thheller 2020-09-24T10:17:54.019700Z

then do the same with a running watch

thheller 2020-09-24T10:18:06.020100Z

just don't make any other changes or your mod will be overwritten

thheller 2020-09-24T10:18:33.020400Z

also make sure to test with 2.11.4 please

thheller 2020-09-24T10:18:42.020700Z

no point in testing with 2.9.6

yenda 2020-09-24T10:19:33.020900Z

shadow-cljs - server version: 2.11.4 running at http://localhost:3449

yenda 2020-09-24T10:22:13.021300Z

the last statement I see in the log is loading goog.math.long.js goog.loadModule(function(exports) and then the whole module code

yenda 2020-09-24T10:24:56.022100Z

@thheller If you want more details:


thheller 2020-09-24T10:26:06.022300Z


thheller 2020-09-24T10:26:12.022500Z

that file isn't rewritten at all?

thheller 2020-09-24T10:26:52.023Z

ah hmm I guess the problem might be the :output-feature-set

thheller 2020-09-24T10:28:01.023900Z

that prevents it from rewriting the class Long and that maybe confuses Hermes?

thheller 2020-09-24T10:28:17.024300Z

hmm although that should also fail in compile builds

yenda 2020-09-24T10:31:29.024800Z

there is a SHADOW_ENV.evalLoad in the file

SHADOW_ENV.evalLoad("goog.math.long.js", "goog.loadModule(function(exports) {\n  \x22use strict\x22;\n  goog.module(\x22goog.math.Long\x22);\n  goog.module.declareLegacyNamespace();\n  const asserts \x3d goog.require(\x22goog.asserts\x22);\n  const reflect \x3d goog.require(\x22goog.reflect\x22);\n  class Long {\n    constructor(low, high) {\n      this.low_ \x3d low | 0;\n      this.high_ \x3d high | 0;\n    }\n    toInt() {\n      return this.low_;\n    }\n    toNumber() {\n      return this.high_ * TWO_PWR_32_DBL_ + this.getLowBitsUnsigned();\n    }\n    isSafeInteger() {\n      var top11Bits \x3d this.high_ \x3e\x3e 21;\n      return top11Bits \x3d\x3d 0 || top11Bits \x3d\x3d -1 \x26\x26 !(this.low_ \x3d\x3d 0 \x26\x26 this.high_ \x3d\x3d (4292870144 | 0));\n    }\n    toString(opt_radix) {\n      var radix \x3d opt_radix || 10;\n      if (radix \x3c 2 || 36 \x3c radix) {\n        throw new Error(\x22radix out of range: \x22 + radix);\n      }\n      if (this.isSafeInteger()) {\n        var asNumber \x3d this.toNumber();\n        return radix \x3d\x3d 10 ? \x22\x22 + asNumber : asNumber.toString(radix);\n      }\n      var safeDigits \x3d 14 - (radix \x3e\x3e 2);\n      var radixPowSafeDigits \x3d Math.pow(radix, safeDigits);\n      var radixToPower \x3d Long.fromBits(radixPowSafeDigits, radixPowSafeDigits / TWO_PWR_32_DBL_);\n      var remDiv \x3d this.div(radixToPower);\n      var val \x3d Math.abs(this.subtract(remDiv.multiply(radixToPower)).toNumber());\n      var digits \x3d radix \x3d\x3d 10 ? \x22\x22 + val : val.toString(radix);\n      if (digits.length \x3c safeDigits) {\n        digits \x3d \x220000000000000\x22.substr(digits.length - safeDigits) + digits;\n      }\n      val \x3d remDiv.toNumber();\n      return (radix \x3d\x3d 10 ? val : val.toString(radix)) + digits;\n    }\n    getHighBits() {\n      return this.high_;\n    }\n    getLowBits() {\n      return this.low_;\n    }\n    getLowBitsUnsigned() {\n      return this.low_ \x3e\x3e\x3e 0;\n    }\n    getNumBitsAbs() {\n      if (this.isNegative()) {\n        if (this.equals(Long.getMinValue())) {\n          return 64;\n        } else {\n          return this.negate().getNumBitsAbs();\n        }\n      } else {\n        var val \x3d this.high_ !\x3d 0 ? this.high_ : this.low_;\n        for (var bit \x3d 31; bit \x3e 0; bit--) {\n          if ((val \x26 1 \x3c\x3c bit) !\x3d 0) {\n            break;\n          }\n   ...

thheller 2020-09-24T10:31:53.025100Z

yeah all that looks exactly like it should

thheller 2020-09-24T10:32:07.025400Z

not a clue why it works in compile but not watch?

thheller 2020-09-24T10:32:36.026Z

I mean watch loads more (and connects websocket) but all of that comes after goog.math.Long

yenda 2020-09-24T10:40:18.026300Z

with 2.9.4

yenda 2020-09-24T10:40:28.026600Z

(it loads the rest afterward)

yenda 2020-09-24T10:45:52.028500Z

@thheller if you look at the module it looks like they are not the same, not sure if that matters but for instance /** @constย */ var reflect in 2.9.4 vs const reflect in 2.11.4

yenda 2020-09-24T10:50:07.028900Z

so maybe you were write and it has something to do with feature set?

thheller 2020-09-24T10:51:45.029400Z

yes, if you set :output-feature-set :es5 that should change the rewriting

thheller 2020-09-24T10:52:09.029700Z

but again .. that sounds like a bug in hermes to me then

yenda 2020-09-24T10:53:36.030400Z

I'm not very familiar with these feature set so what changed between 2.9.4 and now?

yenda 2020-09-24T10:55:27.030800Z

Hermes is compiling js into bytecode

yenda 2020-09-24T10:58:59.032100Z

{:target :react-native
           :init-fn app.core/init
           :output-dir "app"
           :dev {:devtools {
                            :autoload true
                            :reload-strategy :full
                            :after-load app.core/reload
                            :compiler-options {:source-map false
                                               :output-feature-set :es5}}
                 :local-ip #shadow/env "SHADOW_HOST"}
           :release {:compiler-options {:output-feature-set :es6
                                        :warnings-as-errors true
                                        :infer-externs :auto
                                        :optimizations :advanced
                                        :js-options {:js-provider :closure}}}}

yenda 2020-09-24T10:59:04.032300Z

I still have the error with this config

yenda 2020-09-24T11:02:31.032800Z

and the modules still have the const reflect syntax in index.js

SHADOW_ENV.evalLoad("goog.math.long.js", "goog.loadModule(function(exports) {\n  \x22use strict\x22;\n  goog.module(\x22goog.math.Long\x22);\n  goog.module.declareLegacyNamespace();\n  const asserts \x3d goog.require(\x22goog.asserts\x22);\n  const reflect \x3d goog.require(\x22goog.reflect\x22);\n  class Long {\n    constructor(low, high) {\n      this.low_ \x3d low | 0;\n      this.high_ \x3d high | 0;\n    }\n    toInt() {\n      return this.low_;\n    }\n    toNumber() {\n      return this.high_ * TWO_PWR_32_DBL_ + this.getLowBitsUnsigned();\n    }\n    isSafeInteger() {\n      var top11Bits \x3d this.high_ \x3e\x3e 21;\n      return top11Bits \x3d\x3d 0 || top11Bits \x3d\x3d -1 \x26\x26 !(this.low_ \x3d\x3d 0 \x26\x26 this.high_ \x3d\x3d (4292870144 | 0));\n    }\n    toString(opt_radix) {\n      var radix \x3d opt_radix || 10;\n      if (radix \x3c 2 || 36 \x3c radix) {\n        throw new Error(\x22radix out of range: \x22 + radix);\n      }\n      if (this.isSafeInteger()) {\n        var asNumber \x3d this.toNumber();\n        return radix \x3d\x3d 10 ? \x22\x22 + asNumber : asNumber.toString(radix);\n      }\n      var safeDigits \x3d 14 - (radix \x3e\x3e 2);\n      var radixPowSafeDigits \x3d Math.pow(radix, safeDigits);\n      var radixToPower \x3d Long.fromBits(radixPowSafeDigits, radixPowSafeDigits / TWO_PWR_32_DBL_);\n      var remDiv \x3d this.div(radixToPower);\n      var val \x3d Math.abs(this.subtract(remDiv.multiply(radixToPower)).toNumber());\n      var digits \x3d radix \x3d\x3d 10 ? \x22\x22 + val : val.toString(radix);\n      if (digits.length \x3c safeDigits) {\n        digits \x3d \x220000000000000\x22.substr(digits.length - safeDigits) + digits;\n      }\n      val \x3d remDiv.toNumber();\n      return (radix \x3d\x3d 10 ? val : val.toString(radix)) + digits;\n    }\n    getHighBits() {\n      return this.high_;\n    }\n    getLowBits() {\n      return this.low_;\n    }\n    getLowBitsUnsigned() {\n   

yenda 2020-09-24T11:06:21.033Z


SHADOW_ENV.evalLoad("goog.math.long.js", "goog.loadModule(function(exports) {\n  \x22use strict\x22;\n  goog.module(\x22goog.math.Long\x22);\n  goog.module.declareLegacyNamespace();\n  /** @const */ var asserts \x3d goog.require(\x22goog.asserts\x22);\n  /** @const */ var reflect \x3d goog.require(\x22goog.reflect\x22);\n  /** @final @constructor */ var Long \x3d function(low, high) {\n    /** @private @const @type {number} */ this.low_ \x3d low | 0;\n    /** @private @const @type {number} */ this.high_ \x3d high | 0;\n  };\n  /**\n   * @return {number}\n   */\n  Long.prototype.toInt \x3d function() {\n    return this.low_;\n  };\n  /**\n   * @return {number}\n   */\n  Long.prototype.toNumber \x3d function() {\n    return this.high_ * TWO_PWR_32_DBL_ + this.getLowBitsUnsigned();\n  };\n  /**\n   * @return {boolean}\n   */\n  Long.prototype.isSafeInteger \x3d function() {\n    var top11Bits \x3d this.high_ \x3e\x3e 21;\n    return top11Bits \x3d\x3d 0 || top11Bits \x3d\x3d -1 \x26\x26 !(this.low_ \x3d\x3d 0 \x26\x26 this.high_ \x3d\x3d (4292870144 | 0));\n  };\n  /**\n   * @param {number\x3d} opt_radix\n   * @return {string}\n   * @override\n   */\n  Long.prototype.toString \x3d function(opt_radix) {\n    var radix \x3d opt_radix || 10;\n    if (radix \x3c 2 || 36 \x3c radix) {\n      throw new Error(\x22radix out of range: \x22 + radix);\n    }\n    if (this.isSafeInteger()) {\n      var asNumber \x3d this.toNumber();\n      return radix \x3d\x3d 10 ? \x22\x22 + asNumber : asNumber.toString(radix);\n    }\n    var safeDigits \x3d 14 - (radix \x3e\x3e 2);\n    var radixPowSafeDigits \x3d Math.pow(radix, safeDigits);\n    var radixToPower \x3d Long.fromBits(radixPowSafeDigits, radixPowSafeDigits / TWO_PWR_32_DBL_);\n    var remDiv \x3d this.div(radixToPower);\n    var val \x3d Math.abs(this.subtract(remDiv.multiply(radixToPower)).toNumber());\n    var digits \x3d radix \x3d\x3d 10 ? \x22\x22 + val : val.toString(radix);\n    if (digits.length \x3c safeDigits) {\n      digits \x3d \x220000000000000\x22.substr(digits.length - safeDigits) + digits;\n    }\n    val \x3d remDiv.toNumber();\n    return (radix \x3d\x3d 10 ? val : val.toString(radix)) + digits;\n  };\n  /**\n   * @return {number}\n   */\n  Long.prototype.getHighBits \x3d function() {\n    return this.high_;\n  };\n  /**\n   * @return {number}\n   */\n  Long.prototype.getLowBits \x3d function() {\n    return this.low_;\n  };\n  /**\n 

yenda 2020-09-24T11:08:39.033500Z

@thheller ok looks like it works when I put compiler options at the top level of my build

yenda 2020-09-24T11:09:09.033900Z

so this line doesn't look into :dev and set es6 as default?

yenda 2020-09-24T11:14:03.034900Z

@thheller so the fix for now is to have :compiler-options {:output-feature-set :es5} at the top level of your build config map when you want to use hermes on react-native target

grounded_sage 2020-09-24T11:15:52.035600Z

Anyone have experience with doing the :target :karma and it not launching the headless chrome when running npx karma start --single-run?

victorb 2020-09-24T11:19:23.039100Z

Hello everyone! Seems when I sometimes reload my browser window, vim-fireplace is loosing the connection with the page and cannot re-establish it. Trying to send commands after this happens show the following error:

[2020-09-24 13:16:06.847 - WARNING] :shadow.cljs.devtools.server.util/handle-ex - {:msg {:op :cljs-load-sources, :sources [[ "cljs/spec/gen/alpha.cljs"] [ "cljs/spec/alpha.cljs"] [ "cljs/repl.cljs"] [:shadow.cljs.repl/resource "cljs/user.cljs"]], :call-id 1, :from 24}}
ExceptionInfo no output for id: [:shadow.cljs.repl/resource "cljs/user.cljs"] {:resource-id [:shadow.cljs.repl/resource "cljs/user.cljs"]}! (data.clj:197)! (data.clj:193)
        shadow.cljs.devtools.server.worker.impl/fn--15169/fn--15172 (impl.clj:813)
        clojure.core/map/fn--5866 (core.clj:2753)
        clojure.lang.LazySeq.sval (
        clojure.lang.LazySeq.seq (
        clojure.lang.RT.seq (
        clojure.core/seq--5402 (core.clj:137)
        clojure.core.protocols/seq-reduce (protocols.clj:24)
        clojure.core.protocols/fn--8146 (protocols.clj:75)
        clojure.core.protocols/fn--8146 (protocols.clj:75)
        clojure.core.protocols/fn--8088/G--8083--8101 (protocols.clj:13)
My config currently looks like this, basically the minimal one I could get my hands on.
;; shadow-cljs configuration

 [[reagent "1.0.0-alpha2"]]

 :dev-http {8081 "public"}
 :nrepl {:port 8082}

  {:target :browser
   :modules {:main {:init-fn app/init}}}}}
I come from using figwheel and figwheel-main for a long time, first time using shadow-cljs for a project, so probably I'm doing something wrong here. Using neovim, vim-fireplace. Running shadow-cljs by running npx shadow-cljs watch frontend , connecting my repl by doing :Connect 8082 and then :Piggieback :frontend . Everything works except until I reload the page, then starting to get that error above and the only thing I can do to make it work is restarting shadow-cljs watch again, then it starts working.

thheller 2020-09-24T11:22:51.039400Z

@victorbjelkholm429 which version is this? this should have been fixed a while ago.

victorb 2020-09-24T11:23:47.039900Z

@thheller 2.11.4, think the project was bootstrapped from create-cljs-project so got the version from there

victorb 2020-09-24T11:24:46.040500Z

hm, could be the vim-fireplace version maybe? I'll check those out too

thheller 2020-09-24T11:24:51.040600Z

weird. anything in particular you are doing with the REPL?

victorb 2020-09-24T11:25:34.041200Z

no, just calling println's and alike, nothing extreme

thheller 2020-09-24T11:25:36.041300Z

not sure why you reloading the page affects anything on the compiler side

victorb 2020-09-24T11:26:25.042Z

@thheller was behind a few commits in vim-fireplace. Upgraded and now not getting the error again... But will keep trying to reproduce, but seems fixed now. Well, thanks for the rubberducking @thheller ๐Ÿ™‚

๐Ÿ‘ 1
andre 2020-09-24T11:41:25.042400Z

so this line doesn't look into :dev and set es6 as default?ย

thheller 2020-09-24T11:43:32.043100Z

@andre why would it? its not supposed to? it is supposed to be identical in dev/release?

thheller 2020-09-24T11:44:06.043600Z

I say again ... this very much sounds like a bug in hermes to me if it works in other engines

thheller 2020-09-24T11:44:30.044Z

given that chrome, firefox, etc have no issues with this whatsoever

thheller 2020-09-24T11:45:16.044500Z

and again .. I suspect eval to be the cause here. release builds will not eval and instead load the code directly.

thheller 2020-09-24T11:45:47.045100Z

I do not have any necessary setup to test hermes so can't say much more

thheller 2020-09-24T11:47:04.046400Z

the code shadow-cljs produces looks exactly like it should, :es5 should not be a required setting but if it makes hermes happy then fine just set it

thheller 2020-09-24T11:47:32.046800Z

you can set :dev {:compiler-options {:output-feature-set :es5}} if you only want it in dev

yenda 2020-09-24T12:00:15.047500Z

it doesn't work if you set it in dev @thheller, I had to set it in the top level of the build map

yenda 2020-09-24T12:59:51.050300Z

Is there a way to write jsx file alongside cljs and import the components in cljs files? It works with js but I don't understand the stack enough to figure out how to make sure the jsx stuff gets transpiled

simongray 2020-09-24T13:18:44.053100Z

Not having any luck attempting to use oz via shadow-cljs. At first I just tried going by the instructions in the Oz github readme, but kept running into an error with a missing file. Shadow-cljs was looking for a .js file, but in the folder only .min.js, .node.js and .module.js were available. Then I found this template project and the exact same error occurs:

[:app] Build failure:
override to file that doesn't exist
{:tag, :require-from #object[ 0x4d68156d "/Users/rqf595/Code/temp/reagent-shadow-oz-example/node_modules/vega-dataflow/build/vega-dataflow.js"], :require "vega-loader", :file #object[ 0x41ebcb92 "/Users/rqf595/Code/temp/reagent-shadow-oz-example/node_modules/vega-loader/build/vega-loader.node.js"], :override "./build/vega-loader.js", :override-file #object[ 0x5d156b61 "/Users/rqf595/Code/temp/reagent-shadow-oz-example/node_modules/vega-loader/build/vega-loader.js"]}
ExceptionInfo: override to file that doesn't exist (npm.clj:735) (npm.clj:661) (resolve.clj:123) (resolve.clj:94)

simongray 2020-09-24T13:20:18.054600Z

So now Iโ€™m wondering what to do? The packages are installed, but shadow-cljs is looking for e.g. vega-loader.js when only files like vega-loader.min.js is available in that folder.

thheller 2020-09-24T15:46:35.056600Z

@simongray not a clue. the package is linking to a file that it does not itself contain. likely just a bad config entry on their part. you can fix it by editing to link to the correct file

simongray 2020-09-24T15:50:44.056900Z

Thanks Thomas. I'll attempt that. It just seems odd that a setup that presumably worked at one time using those same versions now doesn't to seem any longer.

thheller 2020-09-24T15:52:25.057100Z

I'm guessing that the bundling was just changed in recent versions

thheller 2020-09-24T15:53:18.057300Z

current seems to be 4.3.3 but 4.3.2 still had the non-min file

thheller 2020-09-24T15:53:26.057600Z

so blame them ...

๐Ÿ˜ฌ 1
simongray 2020-09-24T16:44:45.057800Z

Thanks a lot. That got me on the right track. I managed to get it to compile by adding these two explicit dependencies to the package.json

"vega-loader": "4.3.2",
"vega-canvas": "1.2.4"
apparently, version 1.2.5 of the vega-canvas package suffered from the same issue.

๐Ÿ™‚ 1
simongray 2020-09-24T16:46:57.058200Z

@sofievonge Jeg fandt ud af hvad problemet var med lidt hjรฆlp fra Thomas.

JAtkins 2020-09-24T19:40:18.058500Z

wow, this is the first time I've seen that message in my builds and you already asked about it ๐Ÿ™‚. Quite a coincidence

JAtkins 2020-09-24T19:41:38.058700Z

I would almost say that there is some new version of vega, and since package.json usually imports "^version", we both got upgraded at the same time