Is there a way to suppress a particular :redef warning?
OK, Seems like (:refer-clojure :exclude [map])
is more appropriate
do modules work ok with react-native ?
@mccraigmccraig you can declare :chunks {:foo :bar}
in your :react-native
build config
that will create a foo.js
and bar.js
in the :output-dir
that you can load at runtime
uses :modules
under the hood
just (js/require "./foo.js")
somewhere and the result of that should be some-var
excellent - i can have my cake and eat it 😃... is there an idiomatic rn project somewhere that demos config with shadow-cljs for chunks, live-reload etc ?
not aware of anything public using :chunks
. I could never quite get it to work with react-native to actually lazy load it
dunno if this is still current but it required tuning on the JS side
but others have reported that it sort of got faster with :chunks
but the RAM bundle stuff I never got working and I don't use react-native so I have never built an actual app that uses this
ok, sounds like i need to build a simple poc with some :chunks
looks like status is using chunks. maybe talk to them
dyu know anyone who works @ status ?
well, it looks like status is using a very compatible set of tech to us, so i'll just try out their build 🙂
pretty sure they are in slack. IIRC I talked to @yenda
about :chunks
cool - thanks @thheller!