Hey people, hope Christmas went well. I am trying to get React QR Scanner to work in shadow-cljs and am having problems getting it working. I converted the following react code:
[12:02 AM] import React, { Component } from 'react'
import QrReader from 'react-qr-scanner'
class Example extends Component {
this.state = {
delay: 500,
result: 'No result',
this.handleScan = this.handleScan.bind(this)
this.setState({ result })
const previewStyle = {
height: 240,
width: 320,
[12:04 AM] I converted it from class to functional in react then converted it to cljs:
(defn example
(let [state (r/atom {})
preview-style {:height "240" :width "320"}]
(fn []
[:> QrReader {:name "qr-reader"
:delay (:qr-reader @state)
:style preview-style
:on-error (fn [e]
(prn "You have an Error Bitch!"))
:on-scan (fn [e]
(swap! state assoc :qr-reader
(-> e .-target .-value)))}]])]))
I had made a few variations of the above and keep running into issues, any suggestions would be most welcome. Thankyou.I'm having a repl problem I've never had before immediately after the first hot reload, when running a shadow-cljs server and connecting to it via a repl. The repl loses track of all namespaces and eventually hangs. Specifically:
cljs.user> (require '[app.ui :as ui] '[app.client :as client] '[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.application :as app]) nil cljs.user> (app/current-state client/app) {...stuff here looks good...} ;; ...examine a few more gits of data cljs.user> (app/current-state client/app) {...stuff here still looks good...} ;; Then after the first hot reload in shadow-cljs following a minor change in a file cljs.user> (app/current-state client/app) ------ WARNING - :undeclared-ns ------------------------------------------------ Resource: <eval>:1:2 No such namespace: app, could not locate app.cljs, app.cljc, or JavaScript source providing "app" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ WARNING - :undeclared-var ----------------------------------------------- Resource: <eval>:1:2 Use of undeclared Var app/current-state -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ WARNING - :undeclared-ns ------------------------------------------------ Resource: <eval>:1:20 No such namespace: client, could not locate client.cljs, client.cljc, or JavaScript source providing "client" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ WARNING - :undeclared-var ----------------------------------------------- Resource: <eval>:1:20 Use of undeclared Var client/app -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; After this simple arithmetic expressions work for a bit, but eventually -- and ;; immediately after requiring anything, the repl times out and then hangs. ;; For instance, re-doing the above require gives this error [2020-12-26 22:35:10.636 - WARNING] :shadow.cljs.devtools.server.util/handle-ex - {:msg {:op :cljs-compile, :input {:code "(require\n '[com.kymetis.rav.app.ui :as ui]\n '[com.kymetis.rav.app.client :as client]\n '[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.application :as app])", :ns cljs.user, :repl true}, :include-init false, :call-id 9, :from 5}} AssertionError Assert failed: (symbol? repl-ns) shadow.build.resolve/resolve-repl (resolve.clj:639) shadow.build.resolve/resolve-repl (resolve.clj:639) shadow.cljs.repl/repl-require (repl.clj:211) shadow.cljs.repl/repl-require (repl.clj:187) shadow.cljs.repl/process-read-result (repl.clj:518) shadow.cljs.repl/process-read-result (repl.clj:498) shadow.cljs.repl/process-input (repl.clj:682) shadow.cljs.repl/process-input (repl.clj:660) shadow.cljs.devtools.server.worker.impl/eval17014/fn--17017 (impl.clj:755) clojure.lang.MultiFn.invoke (MultiFn.java:234) shadow.cljs.devtools.server.util/server-thread/fn--16643/fn--16644/fn--16652 (util.clj:285) shadow.cljs.devtools.server.util/server-thread/fn--16643/fn--16644 (util.clj:284) ;; A timeout message is given and then no more response
I ran shadow-cljs server and then connected with a cljs-repl. Using the latest version of shadow-cljs and using the following config: {:deps {:aliases [:dev]}
:dev-http {8000 "classpath:public"}
:builds {:main {:target :browser
:output-dir "resources/public/js/main"
:asset-path "/js/main"
:modules {:main {:init-fn app.client/init
:entries [com.kymetis.rav.app.client]}}
:devtools {:after-load app.client/refresh
:preloads [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.inspect.preload
:nrepl {:port 8777}
:open-file-command ["emacsclient" "-n" ["+%s:%s" :line :column] :file]}
When first connecting the browser, it says the JS is stale; a reload fixes it. This is baffling me, and any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
@genovese sounds like https://github.com/thheller/shadow-cljs/issues/788. unfortunately I haven't been able to reproduce this
Thanks, @thheller. You're right, that is an exact match. (Sorry I missed that.) I'll try to document things as clearly as possible on github and produce a minimal example. Any general pointers on where I should look in the shadow-cljs code to track this? This is killing repl-driven development for my project, so I'm motivated. Thanks again
the issue is that somehow it gets the repl into a corrupted state where something that should never be nil is nil
but I somehow can't get into that state. granted I don't use the cljs REPL all that much because of hot-reload
steps to reproduce would help a lot. I'll then happily track it down 🙂
can I somehow get shadow-cljs to output the server-token
(in order to connect to api/remote-relay
myself manually) to stdout when running shadow-cljs server
the file .shadow-cljs/server.token
has the token I need
yeah the file is meant for exactly that 🙂
curious what you intend to build? I still need to document all of this better 😛
eh, just mucking around, wanted to control the build process directly from browser app, via nested babashka (so browser -> ws -> babashka -> babashka -> shadowcljs), got better access with nrepl in the end, after discovering the files from .shadow-cljs/
Thanks! I'll put my details on github shortly.
P.S. @thheller As a shortcut, I tried to redefine shadow.cljs.repl/repl-require to log new-ns-info from within shadow's clj repl before starting the watch, but that didn't work. If you think it worthwhile and let me know the best way to build a branch for debugging, I can help get some info as well since it's happening here.
need to redef this too if you redef the fn
then it should work fine
I'm having trouble with my repl.
If I start it up it starts in the shadow.user
However, after typing in the (shadow/repl :main)
command to switch to a cljs repl, my namespace becomes nil
and loading/switiching to other namespaces doesn't seem to work; they also return nil
does anyone recognize what I might be doing wrong? I haven't had this problem before, and I don't recall making any changes that may have caused this.
@ajsnow2012 what returns nil
? You a switching with shadow/repl
that turns the CLJ REPL into CLJS so you should start out at cljs.ujser
return nil
when I make the switch. Although, it does seem to think i'm in cljs.user
so here's what i'm seeing directly :
Outstanding, thanks