shadow-cljs | |
rschmukler 2021-02-22T18:17:15.021500Z

Has anyone here ever seen shadow unable to use a specific library because the underlying library cannot be converted from ES6 in the closure compiler?

rschmukler 2021-02-22T18:17:49.022100Z

Specifically, I am trying to use which is published as an ES6 bundle

thheller 2021-02-22T18:19:45.023100Z

if it cannot be converted you can turn of the conversion via :compiler-options {:output-feature-set :es6} or :es7 :es8. depending on what makes sense

rschmukler 2021-02-22T18:20:08.023400Z

Thank you @thheller

rschmukler 2021-02-22T18:20:27.023900Z

It does look like it can't be, without more advanced transpilation config anyway (it depends on webworkers)

thheller 2021-02-22T18:25:01.024400Z

unless you need really old browser support :es6 is a reasonable setting. I might even make it default soon (since Closure will do that as well)

rschmukler 2021-02-22T18:27:00.024800Z

Yep, that fixed it! Apologies for not consulting the user guide before bothering you

rschmukler 2021-02-22T18:27:10.025Z

Thanks for the help πŸ™

orestis 2021-02-22T18:55:02.026200Z

I wonder if people are seeing slow file change response times from shadow-cljs on M1 macs? This is probably related to the hawk and the underlying file watch service thing, but I thought I'd ask here first if there's a known issue?

thheller 2021-02-22T19:05:47.027900Z

@orestis update. I removed hawk entirely and the default JVM watcher seems to be faster.

orestis 2021-02-22T19:11:03.030300Z

I'll try, thanks

Adam Kalisz 2021-02-22T19:13:56.031600Z

@thheller Ok, it seems the problem I have written about yesterday (but messed up the handle) "For some time, I was unable to load the development version of our ClojureScript project on localhost in Chromium. It worked in Firefox, but was rather slow. I didn't know at all, what caused it. So I tried to gather some data about it. I cleared the cache of Chromium (deleted ~/.cache/chromium) and this helped a few times but the problem always returned. I have resorted to deleting of the build directory of shadow-cljs. The result was that the development version of our project loaded immediately in Chromium and Firefox as well. I don't have any further data, just wanted to let you know." It seems, the problem stems from shadow-cljs watch since the problem doesn't happen when a release is built. I tried this with 2.11.11 and 2.11.18 and there was no change. I am on Debian Testing, none of my colleagues with Windows are experiencing this but for me, I am basically unable to work efficiently - there are no development tools for ClojureScript in Firefox. Chromium seems to be hit by this bug somewhat harder. What further debugging steps do you propose?

thheller 2021-02-22T19:16:03.032200Z

sorry I cannot provide any tips without more info about your project

thheller 2021-02-22T19:16:28.032900Z

when it compiles and you get the "build completed" message. what numbers do you see?

thheller 2021-02-22T19:16:54.033100Z

[:browser] Build completed. (143 files, 137 compiled, 0 warnings, 8.33s)

thheller 2021-02-22T19:17:10.033400Z

which version do you use? which java version?

Adam Kalisz 2021-02-22T19:23:18.034Z

When run with shadow-cljs watch I see:

Adam Kalisz 2021-02-22T19:25:54.035Z

[:client] Build completed. (1106 files, 9 compiled, 0 warnings, 1.48s) The release version looks like this: [:client] Build completed. (1041 files, 895 compiled, 0 warnings, 113.01s) The Java version is: java --version openjdk 11.0.10 2021-01-19 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.10+9-post-Debian-1) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.10+9-post-Debian-1, mixed mode, sharing)

Adam Kalisz 2021-02-22T19:27:17.035700Z

I tested with shadow-cljs 2.11.18 and 2.11.11 as well. No visible change in behaviour between those.

thheller 2021-02-22T19:30:11.037100Z

looks fine. do you use :init-fn in your build config?

thheller 2021-02-22T19:31:21.037700Z

if so try changing :init-fn some.ns/foo to just :entries [some.ns]. that will cause the same code to be included but not called on startup

thheller 2021-02-22T19:31:44.038300Z

is it still slow when loading the page? or is the call actually making everything slow? if so that is your code and shadow-cljs can do nothing about that.

Adam Kalisz 2021-02-22T19:33:13.038800Z

:client     {:target           :browser
                            :output-dir       "resources/public/js/compiled"
                            :asset-path       "/js/compiled"
                            :module-loader    true
                            :modules          {:shared {:entries []}
                                               :main   {:init-fn    orgpad.client.core/init
                                                        :depends-on #{:shared}}
                                               :admin  {:entries    [orgpad.client.views.administration.core]
                                                        :depends-on #{:main}}
                                               :layout {:entries    [orgpad.client.layout.webworker.core]
                                                        :depends-on #{:shared}
                                                        :web-worker true}}
                            :compiler-options {:infer-externs      :auto
                                               :output-feature-set :es6}
                            :devtools         {:after-load     orgpad.client.core/mount-root
                                               :before-load    orgpad.client.core/stop-web-workers
                                               :watch-dir      "resources/public"
                                               :browser-inject :main
                                               :loader-mode    :script}}
The init looks like this:
(defn init
  "Init function of the client."
  (rf/dispatch-sync [:init/starting-app])
    {:nav-handler       #(rf/dispatch [:app/changed-route %])
     :path-exists?      #(routes/client-routes (:handler (b/match-route routes/routes %)))
     :reload-same-path? true})
I will try your proposed change

Adam Kalisz 2021-02-22T19:38:12.040600Z

I have done the change:

:main   {:entries    [orgpad.client.core] ;:init-fn    orgpad.client.core/init
         :depends-on #{:shared}}
(restarted shadow-cljs watch) and it still hangs and shows "shadow-cljs - Reconnecting ..." in the browser, also the Console output looks pretty much the same as it looked before on such hang

thheller 2021-02-22T19:39:23.041Z

do you have browser extensions installed in chrome?

thheller 2021-02-22T19:39:54.041200Z

> Console output looks pretty much the same

thheller 2021-02-22T19:39:56.041400Z

what does it say?

Adam Kalisz 2021-02-22T19:41:21.041800Z

Installing CLJS DevTools 0.9.10 and enabling features :formatters :hints :async util.cljs:136 CLJS DevTools: some custom formatters were not rendered. <> devtools$util$check_custom_formatters_active_BANG_ @ util.cljs:136 browser.cljs:20 shadow-cljs: #6 ready! react-dom.development.js:24995 Download the React DevTools for a better development experience: <> core.cljs:11 csrf-token parsed: 9YQlw8taXECNrtRSbR8y1jjZ3awFctrGTALtx5YpLoTZxxhb0O9xIY1ZGxoTbWFGBF0D5VjbpxwKh6lW

Adam Kalisz 2021-02-22T19:41:54.042400Z

I don't have any notable extensions just Chromium PDF Viewer and CryptoTokenExtension

Adam Kalisz 2021-02-22T19:43:22.042900Z

The Chromium is: Version 88.0.4324.146 (Developer Build) built on Debian bullseye/sid, running on Debian bullseye/sid (64-bit)

thheller 2021-02-22T19:43:34.043100Z

that suggests there is still code running on startup core.cljs:11

thheller 2021-02-22T19:44:09.043700Z

why the the shadow-cljs websocket reconnecting? what do you see in the network tab regarding that?

Adam Kalisz 2021-02-22T19:44:33.044200Z

I don't know. I will try again with all browser cache cleared

fsd 2021-02-22T19:50:50.045Z

Need help starting shadow cljs Application yarn start crashes and cant get pass this

thheller 2021-02-22T19:52:59.046100Z

weird. try deleting the .shadow-cljs directory in the project. not a clue why it can't read a file it obviously found?

Adam Kalisz 2021-02-22T19:56:49.047100Z

I cannot get rid of the csrf-token parsed line - it seems to concern this code: (def csrf-token "Value of CSRF token parsed from the metadata of HTML." (-&gt; "csrf-token" js/document.getElementsByName (aget 0) (.getAttribute "content"))) (js/console.log "csrf-token parsed: " csrf-token) this is the line 11

thheller 2021-02-22T19:58:07.047800Z

you don't have to get rid of it. all code running on startup (without :init-fn) however directly contributes to load time

thheller 2021-02-22T19:58:14.048Z

so you have to dig yourself on why it is slow

thheller 2021-02-22T19:58:45.048400Z

got into the profile, hit record+reload and figure out what is going on πŸ˜›

Adam Kalisz 2021-02-22T19:59:21.048900Z

The problem is, the load never finishes at all in Chromium...

thheller 2021-02-22T20:00:45.049800Z

that is fine. the profiler should stop after a few seconds.

Adam Kalisz 2021-02-22T20:01:15.050800Z

Sometimes, after a lot of deleting caches etc. it loads but after a few page changes in our SPA the problems is back again

fsd 2021-02-22T20:01:19.050900Z

didn’t work after doing that :(

thheller 2021-02-22T20:01:39.051400Z

I have absolutely no clue what you are doing so I cannot comment

Adam Kalisz 2021-02-22T20:02:14.052100Z

Sure. Me neither thank you for your time and effort

thheller 2021-02-22T20:05:51.052200Z

I don't know. look at the file in your editor and make sure it is readable and so on

orestis 2021-02-22T20:14:38.053400Z

Indeed it’s much faster. Thanks! I’m using the Azul 11 jdk on ARM btw.


Is there a quick way to tel the dev-http config to serve files from a virtual /static/ path or should I write a custom handler?

thheller 2021-02-23T12:03:12.072700Z

what is a virtual /static/ path? You mean you don't have an actual /static/ directory on disk? that case would require a custom handler.


Correct, a non /static/ path on disk.


That makes sense, though I ended up just creating an actual static subdir which also solved the problem πŸ˜›


Also: Thanks πŸ™‚