shadow-cljs | |
Azzurite 2021-04-12T01:08:31.081100Z

by this logic, you can ask any question you want... your question really has nothing to do with shadow-cljs, shadow-cljs just creates some javascript files for you, what you do with those js files is completely your problem you should ask this in a general or beginner channel or somewhere that has to do with heroku

ValentΓ­n 2021-04-12T01:13:59.081300Z

I took your recommendation

Azzurite 2021-04-12T11:24:53.081900Z

❀️ πŸ‘

grounded_sage 2021-04-12T15:09:54.083500Z

Has anyone got a repl workflow working with developing chrome extensions?

thheller 2021-04-12T15:14:57.084500Z

depends on which "target" you are talking about? there are many different runtimes when it comes to extensions, background scripts, page injects, page actions etc


Which is more standard, put :dev-tools section under build-id, or put :dev-tools under :dev (which itself is under build-id) ?

thheller 2021-04-12T15:18:42.085500Z

don't need to put devtools in dev, that is implicit and will not apply to release builds anyways


But putting dev-tools under dev seems to make it more structured.

thheller 2021-04-12T15:20:05.086100Z

you can put it there if you want, just don't need to

thheller 2021-04-12T15:20:39.086300Z

I think its better directly in the build but YMMV

denik 2021-04-12T17:33:06.087Z

[:app] Build failure:
The required namespace "goog.result" is not available, it was required by "shadow/xhr.cljs".

denik 2021-04-12T17:33:30.087600Z

anyone know how to fix this?

thheller 2021-04-12T17:38:28.088300Z

not use shadow.xhr? πŸ˜› goog.result was removed from closure-library with no replacement. where do you get this?

denik 2021-04-12T17:43:06.088800Z

@thheller initial build

ScriptEngineManager javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory: Provider could not be instantiated
Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
NPM dependency "@js-joda/core" has installed version "1.12.0"
"3.2.0" was required by jar:file:/Users/den/.m2/repository/cljs/java-time/!/deps.cljs
shadow-cljs - HTTP server available at <http://localhost:3601>
shadow-cljs - server version: 2.11.18 running at <http://localhost:9630>
shadow-cljs - nREPL server started on port 8877
shadow-cljs - watching build :app
[:app] Configuring build.
-&gt; build target: :browser stage: :configure
&lt;- build target: :browser stage: :configure (4 ms)
[:app] Compiling ...
-&gt; Resolving Module: :main
[:app] Build failure:
The required namespace "goog.result" is not available, it was required by "shadow/xhr.cljs".

denik 2021-04-12T17:44:05.089900Z

and not using shadow/xhr.cljs as far as I know (maybe libraries do)

thheller 2021-04-12T17:44:07.090Z

looks like you are trying to use an older shadow-cljs version with the new cljs release?

thheller 2021-04-12T17:44:27.090400Z

need to bump shadow-cljs if you want to use cljs 1.10.844, which will also fix this problem

denik 2021-04-12T17:48:34.091100Z

I think I’m on the newest version

✨  Done in 0.35s.
➜  z1 git:(simple) βœ— yarn global add shadow-cljs
yarn global v1.22.5
[1/4] πŸ”  Resolving packages...
[2/4] 🚚  Fetching packages...
[3/4] πŸ”—  Linking dependencies...
[4/4] πŸ”¨  Building fresh packages...
success Installed "shadow-cljs@2.12.4" with binaries:
      - shadow-cljs
✨  Done in 0.57s.

denik 2021-04-12T17:48:54.091700Z

that said, looks like shadow-cljs does not print its version at the beginning of the build process

thheller 2021-04-12T17:48:55.091800Z

shadow-cljs - server version: 2.11.18 you are not

πŸ‘Œ 1
thheller 2021-04-12T17:49:13.092200Z

probably using deps.edn or project.clj and didn't update there?

thheller 2021-04-12T17:49:29.092500Z

the yarn/npm install is just the command line, not the actual tool

denik 2021-04-12T17:51:22.093100Z

ah yes, had an alias that overwrote it. vielen dank!

jeff tang 2021-04-12T18:41:47.093500Z

Getting the error

The required JS dependency "@material-ui/core/SnackBar" is not available, it was required by "athens/views.cljs".
when building on Linux but not Mac

jeff tang 2021-04-12T18:43:11.093600Z

Also not having a problem importing other core components like

["@material-ui/core/ExpansionPanel" :as ExpansionPanel]
    ["@material-ui/core/ExpansionPanelDetails" :as ExpansionPanelDetails]
    ["@material-ui/core/ExpansionPanelSummary" :as ExpansionPanelSummary]
    ["@material-ui/core/Slider" :as Slider]
    ["@material-ui/core/Switch" :as Switch]

jeff tang 2021-04-12T19:01:26.093900Z

hmm, I think i figured it out. was importing SnackBar instead of Snackbar. interesting that this works on Mac but not Linux though!

grounded_sage 2021-04-12T19:30:02.096Z

Yea I am still wrapping my head around it all. I’ll poke around a bit more and report back when I can more clearly express what I am looking for. I was basically wondering if there was any off the shelf demo repo’s that hooked up a repl for the extension runtimes where it works etc

thheller 2021-04-12T19:33:35.096200Z

interesting, probably just case insensitive filesystem

πŸ‘ 1
Michael Rispoli 2021-04-12T20:41:32.097400Z

Is it possible to have the out directory be the same as the directory the cljs files is in? So instead of a dist directory just compile a js file right next to the cljs file and keep the directory structure as is?

chrisn 2021-04-12T20:48:31.099300Z

Can shadow-cljs's repl integration work if the index.html is dynamically generated server-side? I have a deps.edn-based project that I am playing with and we typically generate our home page server-side. I can get everything to work correctly aside from any cljs-repl functionality.

chrisn 2021-04-12T20:49:32.099600Z

Trying this out with emacs/cider if that changes the answer.

chrisn 2021-04-12T20:51:51.100100Z

Hot-reloading is working.

chrisn 2021-04-12T20:58:27.100400Z

nm. Misread instructions. Everything works perfectly πŸ™‚.

Michael Rispoli 2021-04-12T21:22:32.100500Z

My end goal here is to introduce clojurescript to an existing node codebase gradually by compiling similar to how rescript (formerly reasonml) recommends right alongside each file. I was thinking it might help with adoption / testing if we were able to gradually compile certain features in clojurescript etc

awb99 2021-04-12T23:35:08.105100Z

hi thomas! Is it somehow possible to add a ring undertow websocket handler to the shadow-cljs dev server? We use sente for websockets in our app, and we tested sente with undertow, and this works. but somehow I seem not to be able to get it to work on the shadow http dev server.

awb99 2021-04-13T13:10:07.114300Z

sente works with undertow.

awb99 2021-04-13T13:10:10.114500Z

I tested it

awb99 2021-04-13T13:11:01.114700Z

awb99 2021-04-13T13:11:39.114900Z

but it seems the websockets of undertow ring handler are different than the ones used in shadow cljs