shadow-cljs | |
thheller 2021-05-08T08:05:56.483500Z

hmm odd since it is always compiling the same amount of files. maybe some external tool (eg. your editor) touching all the files all the time?

thheller 2021-05-08T08:06:42.484100Z

but yeah most commonly this was caused by having :output-dir into something that is also a :source-paths entry

martinklepsch 2021-05-08T09:33:25.484800Z

With the node-library target, is there a way to include all dependencies from node_modules in the target JS file? (asking because that would be useful in the context of cloud function setups like AWS Lambda)

thheller 2021-05-08T09:54:52.485800Z

you can post-process the :output-to with or just include the proper node_modules for aws

thheller 2021-05-08T09:55:56.486400Z

I wonder why everyone keeps asking this? Is this not the normal thing you'd do with AWS?

thheller 2021-05-08T09:56:42.487300Z

I've never done anything with AWS so I really don't know what the best practices for this are but it seems straightforward?

martinklepsch 2021-05-08T10:25:29.487800Z

Yeah, you’re right, I think just packaging with node_modules also works perfectly fine

martinklepsch 2021-05-08T11:13:36.489100Z

Actually ncc does seem nice. One problem I’m seeing with it is that the source maps probably wouldn’t be accurate anymore(?) did anyone run into that?


Thanks for the tip - I'll take a look again next week

martinklepsch 2021-05-08T12:00:34.491Z

Whats the performance impact of having lots of builds? If the cache is shared between them it shouldn’t be too bad right? (Is it?)

Karol Wójcik 2021-05-08T12:13:06.491600Z

@martinklepsch For AWS lambda the best possible approach is to pack dependencies and ship them as a layer

Karol Wójcik 2021-05-09T09:14:56.031300Z

Let's have a chat then 🙂

martinklepsch 2021-05-08T12:19:53.491900Z

Ah, that’s interesting! Can you explain a bit more how this would manifest? Like if I have a lot of node_modules I’d put those in a layer and then the deploy payload would get smaller I guess? Does it have any impact on performance? Right now with ncc + advanced + zip I get pretty tiny lambdas (25kb) and the deployment story of a single JS file just seems more straightforward.

martinklepsch 2021-05-08T12:20:19.492100Z

So I’m thinking layers yes, but probably only once your individual lambdas get too big?

martinklepsch 2021-05-08T12:26:42.492300Z

@karol.wojcik what do you use for deployment and resource automation? I just played around with a bit and I’m really liking how little assumptions it makes around build tools and what not

martinklepsch 2021-05-08T12:30:42.493600Z

Did some exploration of using to deploy CLJS to AWS Lambda today: — it all works pretty well. The only thing I’m still a little unsure about is the ncc source maps situation

Karol Wójcik 2021-05-08T12:43:09.493800Z

Layers are super useful when you have a lot of dependencies since you pack your dependencies once. For this I strongly recommend trying yarn. I started using it 2 years ago and now I now that I will never go back npm. Regarding performance it should not vary much where dependencies are stored. I'm already doing the same for babashka runtime and I'm happy with the results. If your lambdas are 25kb it's probably not worth trying layers though. For deployment and resource automation I'm using AWS SAM. I have already used Serverless Framework and I find AWS SAM the simplest and the best solution. I have never tried Architect , but for me it's just a sugar around AWS SAM and cloudformation. For me having all resources of the stack in template.yml is super simple. Btw I'm planning to add support for Node.js in holy-lambda, so if you would like to help me out it would be lovely.

thheller 2021-05-08T13:33:04.494100Z

cache is not shared between builds

thheller 2021-05-08T13:36:45.494300Z

fwiw shadow-cljs also has some basic support for this directly. it does however have some issues so not all packages work.

thheller 2021-05-08T13:36:57.494600Z

don't know about source maps and ncc

thheller 2021-05-08T13:43:47.494900Z

in general I'd likely recommend creating a dedicated folder that you'll send to AWS

thheller 2021-05-08T13:44:00.495100Z

create a package.json in that folder and run npm install --production

thheller 2021-05-08T13:44:21.495300Z

that'll not install devDependencies and the resulting node_modules should be much smaller

thheller 2021-05-08T13:44:52.495500Z

the just :output-dir "that-folder/lib.js" and just zip and deploy that-folder

pez 2021-05-08T16:47:38.499Z

I’m trying to set up a React Native project using Fulcro 3. I get a strange exception when I run shadow-cljs watch :app. About piggieback. My deps.edn looks like so:

{:paths   ["src/main"]
 :deps    {org.clojure/clojure    {:mvn/version "1.10.1"}
           com.fulcrologic/fulcro {:mvn/version "3.4.21"}}

 :aliases {:dev {:extra-paths ["src/dev"]
                 :extra-deps  {org.clojure/clojurescript   {:mvn/version "1.10.742"}
                               thheller/shadow-cljs        {:mvn/version "2.12.5"}
                               binaryage/devtools          {:mvn/version "0.9.10"}}}}}
{:deps {:aliases [:dev]}
  {:target :react-native
   :init-fn <|>
   :output-dir "app"
   :devtools {:autoload true
              :preloads [shadow.expo.keep-awake]}}}}
The exception:
~/Projects/rn-fulcro-shadow(main|✚3…) % npx shadow-cljs watch :app
shadow-cljs - config: /Users/pez/Projects/rn-fulcro-shadow/shadow-cljs.edn
shadow-cljs - starting via "clojure"
WARNING: When invoking clojure.main, use -M
[2021-05-08 18:43:55.123 - WARNING] TCP Port 9630 in use.
[2021-05-08 18:43:55.363 - WARNING] :shadow.cljs.devtools.server/nrepl-ex
Note: The following stack trace applies to the reader or compiler, your code was not executed.
CompilerException Unexpected error macroexpanding if-ns at (cider/piggieback.clj:22:1). #:clojure.error{:phase :macroexpansion, :line 22, :column 1, :source "cider/piggieback.clj", :symbol if-ns}
        clojure.lang.Compiler.macroexpand1 (
        clojure.lang.Compiler.macroexpand (
        clojure.lang.Compiler.eval (
        clojure.lang.Compiler.load (
        clojure.lang.RT.loadResourceScript (
        clojure.lang.RT.loadResourceScript (
        clojure.lang.RT.load (
        clojure.lang.RT.load (
        clojure.core/load/fn--6839 (core.clj:6126)
        clojure.core/load (core.clj:6125)
        clojure.core/load (core.clj:6109)
        clojure.core/load-one (core.clj:5908)
Caused by:
        java.lang.Class.forName0 (
        java.lang.Class.forName (
        clojure.lang.RT.classForName (
        clojure.lang.RT.classForName (
        clojure.lang.RT.loadClassForName (
        clojure.lang.RT.load (
        clojure.lang.RT.load (
        clojure.core/load/fn--6839 (core.clj:6126)
        clojure.core/load (core.clj:6125)
        clojure.core/load (core.clj:6109)
        clojure.core/load-one (core.clj:5908)
        clojure.core/load-one (core.clj:5903)
Caused by:
        jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass (
        jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass (
        java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass (
        java.lang.Class.forName0 (
        java.lang.Class.forName (
        clojure.lang.RT.classForName (
        clojure.lang.RT.classForNameNonLoading (
        cljs.closure/loading--5569--auto----3990 (closure.clj:9)
        cljs.closure__init.load (:9)
        cljs.closure__init.&lt;clinit&gt; (:-1)
        java.lang.Class.forName0 (
        java.lang.Class.forName (

thheller 2021-05-08T16:50:00.499400Z

@pez wrong CLJS version. 2.12.x requires 1.10.844

p-himik 2021-05-08T16:56:52.499500Z

To add to thheller's answer, according to documentation, you simply don't need to specify any version of ClojureScript - shadow-cljs already depends on the needed one. That is, unless you need a very specific version of ClojureScript.

pez 2021-05-08T17:45:07.000400Z

Thanks! I'll send a PR on the fulcro book about it.

👍 1
pez 2021-05-08T17:58:00.002200Z

Thanks. Will try it out when I'm back at the keyboard. But, I thought no piggieback was involved?

martinklepsch 2021-05-08T18:30:38.004900Z

So I guess that means initial build times grow with number of builds. What do you think would the impact be if you had, say 20 builds, for incremental builds? I realize this is a bit outside of the usual but just curious what your potential concerns would be with such setup

thheller 2021-05-08T18:38:09.005700Z

shadow-cljs does not use it but it is added for compatibility with stuff that expects it (eg. cider-nrepl)

thheller 2021-05-08T21:57:18.005900Z

I don't have a clue what you are building so impossible to comment

thheller 2021-05-08T21:58:35.006100Z

shadow-cljs is very flexible so if the default targets don't do what you need it would be relatively easy to add one that fits better

martinklepsch 2021-05-08T22:05:37.009100Z

wow, this looks very cool @karol.wojcik, I’ve just been thinking that babashka tasks seems like the perfect foundation for this type of thing

codeasone 2021-05-08T22:10:20.012500Z

I've prepared a minimal repo and README capturing the difficulties I encountered getting a shadow-cljs plus tools.deps project working well with cider after transitioning over from years of clojure-cli plus figwheel-main - it was certainly more painful than I'd like it to have been.

thheller 2021-05-08T22:13:54.012900Z

that seems to be much more complicated than it needs to be

codeasone 2021-05-08T22:15:27.013800Z

yeah, I would have been delighted if I could just run watch in a terminal, and establish a sibling cljs REPL connection, but I can't make that work

codeasone 2021-05-08T22:16:09.014900Z

switching between and eval-ing forms in clj cljc and cljs code and having it target the correct REPL is essential for my workflow

thheller 2021-05-08T22:16:17.015300Z

why not? I mean cider does have a remote connect open, but everything you described seemed to be based on jack-in?

thheller 2021-05-08T22:16:57.017Z

but you can also just run in embedded mode but you sort of flipped it to embed everything in shadow-cljs instead

codeasone 2021-05-08T22:16:58.017100Z

I end up with two "sessions" in cider and the way they are managed is not smart enough

thheller 2021-05-08T22:18:14.020300Z

adding a custom shadow.user ns is definitely not the way to go here

codeasone 2021-05-08T22:18:22.020600Z

the only thing that works - and it works well - is to have cider-jack-in-clj&amp;cljs control everything - it's also really simple to bring everything up with one key binding

martinklepsch 2021-05-08T22:18:57.021300Z

I guess what I’m asking is how shadow will perform with one build vs. 20 identical ones with different target files.

thheller 2021-05-08T22:21:02.021500Z

how am I supposed to answer that when I don't have a clue what you are building? shadow-cljs doesn't care, you can have a thousand builds, it does not matter to shadow. your computer will probable scream and blow up since memory and cpu consumption will go through the roof though

thheller 2021-05-08T22:21:30.021700Z

I do not know what you are doing. do you intend to build all the builds in parallel? sequentially? watch all? just release all?

thheller 2021-05-08T22:22:23.021900Z

what is the point of having 20 identical builds with different target files? why is it not one build and you copy the output file 20 times?

thheller 2021-05-08T22:22:42.022100Z

you are only giving me very vague information so I really cannot give you any reasonable answer 😛

codeasone 2021-05-08T22:22:55.022300Z

I made a typo in one of the heading I actually tried establishing a M-x cider-connect-sibling-cljs which would have been ideal, but as I say didn't work out due to the way REPL sessions are managed.

thheller 2021-05-08T22:24:39.022600Z

I do not have a clue what the commands are called in emacs. the way I work is I run my backend manually outside my editor, typically just lein repl. then I start shadow-cljs server separately.

thheller 2021-05-08T22:25:09.022800Z

then I connect to the .nrepl-port for my CLJ REPL and .shadow-cljs/nrepl.port for the CLJS REPLs

thheller 2021-05-08T22:25:26.023Z

two separate processes, completely separate connections, nothing shared

thheller 2021-05-08T22:25:59.023200Z

I would expect emacs to be capable of doing the same but I don't have a clue

thheller 2021-05-08T22:26:17.023400Z

you can instead run shadow-cljs in embedded mode so it runs in your backend process

thheller 2021-05-08T22:26:37.023600Z

you sort of flipped it and run your backend process in the shadow-cljs process. not something I recommend but you can do it.

codeasone 2021-05-08T22:31:21.023800Z

A moment of inspiration struck me, I just wanted something that worked and fit my muscle memory of how to bring up my full-stack, I honestly don't know the intent behind shadow.user ns, and whether my usage is misuse, but I defer to your advice of course.

thheller 2021-05-08T22:31:48.024Z

1. Unhandled clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
   shadow-cljs has not been started yet!  In embedded mode you need to call
   (shadow.cljs.devtools.server/start!) to start it.  If you have a shadow-cljs
   server or watch running then you are not connected to that process.

thheller 2021-05-08T22:32:23.024200Z

did you ever try that? I mean running the shadow-cljs server in embedded mode in your backend process?

thheller 2021-05-08T22:32:55.024600Z

I assume that is how you ran figwheel previously?

thheller 2021-05-08T22:33:33.024800Z

> Picking up on shadow-cljs has not been started yet! I try running shadow-cljs watch app in a separate terminal (which worked fine):

thheller 2021-05-08T22:34:17.025Z

running shadow-cljs watch will start a new JVM process, instead you are supposed to run (shadow.cljs.devtools.server/start!) in whatever JVM you were connected to when you got that error

thheller 2021-05-08T22:35:03.025300Z

> But I just started it!

thheller 2021-05-08T22:36:01.025500Z

exactly the point, you started it separately but still talk to the old JVM

codeasone 2021-05-08T22:37:08.025700Z

Re: figwheel I just invoke vanilla cider-jack-in-clj&amp;cljs and it just works, clj REPL spins up - I (start)the backend server and figwheel is piggybacked in to the same cider session, all orchestrated by Emacs

thheller 2021-05-08T22:37:27.025900Z

what is (start)? I'm guessing thats a user.clj function you have in your codebase that starts figwheel in embedded mode

codeasone 2021-05-08T22:37:33.026200Z

wanted to get to same single-step bring up under Emacs, that's the point of the repo

codeasone 2021-05-08T22:38:05.026400Z

(start) is just something to bring up the backend - just an example of something you might type into the REPL to start the HTTP server for instance

martinklepsch 2021-05-08T22:38:36.026700Z

Unfortunately he cljdoc build is broken btw, if you run the following in your repo you can see an issue with cljdoc.edn

curl -fsSL <> | bash -s doc/cljdoc.edn

codeasone 2021-05-08T22:39:13.027100Z

as per the demo-rig code, which I tried to keep as minimal as possible, but reflect the various moving parts I need to content with day-to-day in my production code.

thheller 2021-05-08T22:39:43.027400Z

but this is not minimal at all

martinklepsch 2021-05-08T22:39:48.027600Z

This can also be used as a CI step and will fail if there is an issue

codeasone 2021-05-08T22:40:54.027800Z

okay, I wanted some clj some cljccode and some cljs code so I could ensure I could eval forms and the appropriate REPL would be targetted

codeasone 2021-05-08T22:41:16.028Z

I'm also learning to use shadow-cljs and understand it's capabilities in the process

thheller 2021-05-08T22:41:21.028200Z

sure I get that

thheller 2021-05-08T22:43:07.028400Z

to me it sounds like all your were missing is instead of calling just (start) you also call (shadow.cljs.devtools.server/start!)

martinklepsch 2021-05-08T22:43:21.028600Z

thheller 2021-05-08T22:43:35.028900Z

or have the (start) do that for you wherever that was coming from. I assume you did something like that with figwheel

codeasone 2021-05-08T22:43:40.029100Z

I'll try that out soon, thanks

thheller 2021-05-08T22:44:40.029300Z

point is when you run cider jack-in that starts a JVM for you with a nrepl server. if you then run shadow-cljs watch separately you'll get a second JVM instance with its own nrepl server.

codeasone 2021-05-08T22:45:02.029500Z

Going to hit the sack now though, thanks for the feedback

martinklepsch 2021-05-08T22:45:22.029700Z

Ok fair enough 😄 Maybe I’ll try to write up more specific information tomorrow 🙂

thheller 2021-05-08T22:45:26.029900Z

how you deal with that in emacs I don't know. if emacs doesn't support two separate remote connections then you likely want to run shadow in embedded mode

martinklepsch 2021-05-08T23:46:37.030200Z

> so if you would like to help me out it would be lovely. I’ve played with shadow-cljs quite a bit this weekend to see how it worked with different packaging strategies/deployment tools (like Architect) — if that sounds interesting maybe we can have a chat?