shadow-cljs | |
awb99 2021-06-21T04:21:34.164600Z

NPM dependency "@icon/fontisto-emoji" has installed version "3.0.4-alpha.0" "^3.0.4-alpha.0" was required by jar:file:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/org/pinkgorilla/webly/0.3.8/webly-0.3.8.jar!/deps.cljs

awb99 2021-06-21T04:22:22.165500Z

For this npm dependency shadow watch brings me this warning, which it should not. I guess it is the strange version format?

thheller 2021-06-21T06:57:37.166700Z

@drewverlee the :dev/after-load is just a function that shadow-cljs calls. what it does is up to you, so I guess you'll have to figure out what resets them since that is your code doing it?

thheller 2021-06-21T06:57:56.167100Z

the page is not refreshing.

thheller 2021-06-21T06:59:50.168500Z

@hoertlehner yeah the version compare code is fairly limited. I'll very likely remove it completely at some point. maybe turn it into a separate helper function.