
Need help navigating this Slack? You're in the right place!
tsdh 2015-06-11T09:33:08.000970Z

So slack is some nice thing around IRC chat, right? So on IRC, the convention is to answer to someone by prefixing the answer with nick: whereas it seems here on slack @nick: is used. How does that work for people that aren't on slack but on the corresponding IRC channels?

tsdh 2015-06-11T09:35:19.000971Z

That is, will that other person see "@nick: my answer" or "nick: my answer"? The former would probably not create a mention in that person's IRC client...

tsdh 2015-06-11T09:53:28.000972Z

Ah, it seems I've been wrong. The slack channels don't have anything in common with the IRC channels of the same name (other than they seems to be using IRC under the hoods, too).


@tsdh: There is a IRC gateway to slack. I don't know if it's enabled for this team or not.

gjnoonan 2015-06-11T10:22:33.000978Z

@dmich: It is indeed enabled

tsdh 2015-06-11T10:23:12.000979Z

OK, thanks for explaining.

tsdh 2015-06-11T10:25:18.000981Z

Is there a way to omit display of join and leave messages in slack?


you can use the /feedback command to gripe about this :simple_smile:

tsdh 2015-06-11T10:45:48.000985Z

@dmich Will do

tsdh 2015-06-11T10:51:52.000988Z

@dmich: Done

tsdh 2015-06-11T10:51:56.000989Z

Another thing. Is there a quicker way to reply in the android app than typing @ then selecting the nick, and then typing a colon? That requires me to switch the keyboard pane twice...


hmmm, In the windows app I type @, the first letters of nick, then TAB to complete. It adds the colon automatically


course Slack is easier to use with a real keyboard 😜

tsdh 2015-06-11T10:55:33.000993Z

That's a bit better though I'd prefer to omit switching to the punctuation and numbers pane altogether, e.g., by just touching the message I want to reply to.

gjnoonan 2015-06-11T10:56:10.000994Z

tsdh: if you just type their name without the @ it should autocomplete too, the get notified with or without @

tsdh 2015-06-11T10:56:43.000995Z

BTW, the automatic addition of the colon also works in the browser.

tsdh 2015-06-11T10:57:37.000996Z

@gjnoonan: in your last message my nick is not highlighted.

tsdh 2015-06-11T10:58:23.000997Z

@gjnoonan: it's not in the mentions either.

tsdh 2015-06-11T11:05:04.000998Z

@gjnoonan: Ah, no, wrong. It's really not highlighted but eventually showed up in the mentions after refreshing that.

sveri 2015-06-11T13:36:12.001010Z

can I disable left/join messages?

gjnoonan 2015-06-11T13:45:09.001011Z

@sveri: in the slack clients unfortunately not

sveri 2015-06-11T13:47:01.001012Z

adulteratedjedi: ok, thank you