
Need help navigating this Slack? You're in the right place!
dbsgtk 2017-01-05T03:39:56.000436Z

let’s see

dbsgtk 2017-01-05T03:40:07.000437Z

yeah, that works, @seancorfield . It was on a mac

dbsgtk 2017-01-05T03:40:08.000438Z


millie 2017-01-05T18:36:21.000448Z

How do we direct people to join this Slack community? It seems like is down…

seancorfield 2017-01-05T18:36:49.000449Z

I’ll let the admins know so it can be restarted.

millie 2017-01-05T18:37:40.000450Z

thank you 🙂