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dorab 2017-06-28T18:30:07.124831Z

The logs at seem to be empty for several channels. In particular, clojure-losangeles. Does anyone know what needs to be done to enable the logging?

seancorfield 2017-06-28T18:47:50.523600Z

Does the #clojure-losangeles channel have the logbot invited into it?

seancorfield 2017-06-28T18:48:57.548514Z

Nope. So invite @logbot into that channel if you want it to be logged to @dorab โ€” same with other channels. But be aware that some channels may not want to be logged so ask first.

ballpointcarrot 2017-06-28T18:56:43.722356Z

@seancorfield is the clojurians-log site source available? seeing a non-alphabetized list is driving me nuts right now. ๐Ÿ™‚

seancorfield 2017-06-28T19:10:30.022991Z

@ballpointcarrot Sorry, no idea. I donโ€™t even know who maintains it.