
Need help navigating this Slack? You're in the right place!
aengelberg 2018-03-27T23:44:52.000093Z

Is there a way to show this Slack team as "unread" only if there are unread messages in my starred channels? (But I don't want to get notified for every message in those starred channels.)

seancorfield 2018-03-27T23:45:41.000200Z

I think the only option is to "mute" channels you're in that you don't want to be notified about?

aengelberg 2018-03-27T23:46:07.000094Z

Hmm, if I mute a channel, is it impossible to get push-notified from @-mentions then?

seancorfield 2018-03-27T23:46:31.000204Z

(I'm very aggressive about muting channels because I'm in so many, as an admin, and they still show up "unread" in the sidebar but not as a "badge" on the app)

seancorfield 2018-03-27T23:46:50.000128Z

Oh, there's a setting to still be notified about @-mentions and also certain keywords.

seancorfield 2018-03-27T23:47:13.000284Z

For example, I have admin as a highlighted word -- in case anyone is trying to ask us admins for help.

aengelberg 2018-03-27T23:48:43.000352Z

I have instaparse as a highlighted word. All it has accomplished thus far is me knowing when someone is trying to use Clojure Spec for string parsing 🙂

seancorfield 2018-03-27T23:49:16.000218Z

😆 Yeah, some of my highlighted words pop up in regular convos... but, hey, it helps (mostly!).