
Need help navigating this Slack? You're in the right place!
priornix 2018-09-06T02:49:19.000100Z

Hi I need help, due to a bug in Slack, I added my payment details to Can someone help contact the admin of this group (@gjnoonan)?

seancorfield 2018-09-06T02:51:53.000100Z

It's not due to a bug in Slack 🙂

Cheese Cake Aficionado 2018-09-06T02:58:08.000100Z

where did you manage to put your payment details?

seancorfield 2018-09-06T03:07:33.000100Z

It was likely due to a $50 credit from Slack (one of their many attempts to get large teams to upgrade) and that's been dealt with now so you can't get to the payment page now.