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serioga 2020-04-03T18:21:50.010900Z

Slack theme in colors of (if someone interested): #34495E,#445F7A,#3498DB,#FFFFFF,#445F7A,#FFFFFF,#2ECC71,#E67E22

seancorfield 2020-04-03T18:26:47.011800Z

I wonder how that compares to the Clojure theme I've been using for several years (which I share to all the Conj Slacks each year)? #FFFFFF,#90B4FE,#E4EAF7,#4C5770,#C4C4C4,#272727,#91DC47,#63B132

seancorfield 2020-04-03T18:28:03.012300Z

I guess it's like having a light theme and a dark theme for Clojure 🙂

serioga 2020-04-03T18:28:41.012900Z

I also created a logo colors theme #3E5B96,#5780D8,#5FAB2E,#FFFFFF,#5780D8,#FFFFFF,#91DB46,#EB4D5C

👍 1
Alexandre Grison 2020-04-06T14:39:28.020100Z

Nice one I like it!

seancorfield 2020-04-03T18:34:30.013Z

Nice! I like that more than the "ask" theme.

serioga 2020-04-03T18:56:36.013200Z

Me too 🙂

serioga 2020-04-03T18:57:21.013400Z

“ask” is more corporate, “logo” is more hipster 🙂

serioga 2020-04-03T18:58:31.013600Z

Maybe we can share themes with people in more public chat?