
Spacemacs docs:
alidlorenzo 2020-03-08T00:23:15.115800Z

circling back, got it working what got it working: 1) jack-in to cljs project which also starts shadow-cljs server 2) connect to a specific build instance (write ‘y’ when it asks to connect to a sibling instance) 3) if it’s a browser instance have that window open so that the repl can connect and evaluate code in it thanks for the help

practicalli-john 2020-03-08T16:58:46.117100Z

Thanks for the feedback.

Bhougland 2020-03-08T19:34:48.120200Z

Does anyone know how to get a Spacemacs theme to color an anonymous function using # the same as defn or the anonymous fn? I am using the tommorow-eighties theme if that matters