having a hard time with getting clj-kondo working. I got
(defun dotspacemacs/user-config ()
(use-package clojure-mode
:ensure t
(require 'flycheck-clj-kondo))
(clojure :variables
clojure-enable-linters 'clj-kondo))
and clj-kondo is in usr/local/bin
@dgonsalves22 you only need one of those configurations
The first is if you are using Spacemacs 0.200 (master), the second block is for Spacemacs 0.300 develop
so im using master and changed it to just the first one above and it still doesnt work
If you have the syntax-checking
layer installed and have restarted Emacs, then I am not sure
is in package-selected-packages and dotspacemacs-additional-packages
syntax-checking is installed.
the only thing from instructions I was fuzzy about was making sure kondo was on PATH. I gotta admit I’m kinda new at this and am having a really hard time understanding that part even after reading up on it
If you can open a terminal and type clj-kondo
and it works, then check that path has been picked up by Emacs using SPC SPC getenv
then select PATH and it will show in the minibuffer....
If you have added a directory to the path after running emacs, it will only pick the new path up after restarting emacs.
lol i dont know why racket is on there so many times
I guess that means you are using MacOSX 🙂
sure does
so if you run which clj-kondo
is that on one of the paths you pasted above?
Okay, so then its Spacemacs that is the issue. Can you share your .spacemacs file? for example, if you have the github layer installed, you can do SPC g g b
to create a gist from the current buffer. Or just copy it manually into gits or pastbin or similar - make sure you didnt put anything secret in there :)
maybe its time to switch to develop?
I havent use Spacemacs 0.200 for a long time, more than two years. I do recommend using develop https://practicalli.github.io/spacemacs/install-spacemacs/switch-to-develop.html
Doesn't need the spacemacs env file to be edited manually to pick up new path entries?
Does restarting suffice?
I am still confused by the new env var handling.
yea that is it probably it. I just got my first dev job and I quickly noticed that when I do screen-shares that everyone elses spacemacs runs a lot better. bet they are using develop branch
FlavaDave is on master, there is no spacemacs.env file 🙂
OK, missed that.
I cannot recommen sticking to master
at all.
@dgonsalves22 if you are feeling lazy, you can reinstall Spacemacs develop
using my install guide. Two git clones and you are finished , just delete the .spacemacs and .emac.d directory before you start.
@dgonsalves22 the develop
branch is lightyears ahead of master
. IMHO, develop
should be the default by now 😉
@spfeiffer restarting (machine and spacemacs) did not suffice
@jr0cket I’ll switch to develop using your guide. You were the whole reason I wanted to try Kondo in the first place. :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
Borkdude must take most of the credit for that though, but thanks for the compliment. I really dont know how I wrote Clojure without clj-kondo