
Spacemacs docs:
FlavaDave 2020-04-18T17:21:08.357600Z

having a hard time with getting clj-kondo working. I got

(defun dotspacemacs/user-config ()
  (use-package clojure-mode
    :ensure t
    (require 'flycheck-clj-kondo))
     (clojure :variables
              clojure-enable-linters 'clj-kondo))
and clj-kondo is in usr/local/bin

practicalli-john 2020-04-18T17:27:35.358600Z

@dgonsalves22 you only need one of those configurations

practicalli-john 2020-04-18T17:29:14.360700Z

The first is if you are using Spacemacs 0.200 (master), the second block is for Spacemacs 0.300 develop

FlavaDave 2020-04-18T17:36:21.361200Z

so im using master and changed it to just the first one above and it still doesnt work

practicalli-john 2020-04-18T17:39:30.362100Z

If you have the syntax-checking layer installed and have restarted Emacs, then I am not sure

FlavaDave 2020-04-18T17:40:28.362800Z

flycheck-clj-kondo is in package-selected-packages and dotspacemacs-additional-packages

FlavaDave 2020-04-18T17:40:49.363100Z

syntax-checking is installed.

FlavaDave 2020-04-18T17:42:35.364600Z

the only thing from instructions I was fuzzy about was making sure kondo was on PATH. I gotta admit I’m kinda new at this and am having a really hard time understanding that part even after reading up on it

practicalli-john 2020-04-18T17:44:52.366500Z

If you can open a terminal and type clj-kondo and it works, then check that path has been picked up by Emacs using SPC SPC getenv

practicalli-john 2020-04-18T17:45:28.366900Z

then select PATH and it will show in the minibuffer....

practicalli-john 2020-04-18T17:47:02.368Z

If you have added a directory to the path after running emacs, it will only pick the new path up after restarting emacs.

FlavaDave 2020-04-18T17:47:46.368200Z


FlavaDave 2020-04-18T17:48:05.368800Z

lol i dont know why racket is on there so many times

practicalli-john 2020-04-18T17:48:25.369100Z

I guess that means you are using MacOSX 🙂

FlavaDave 2020-04-18T17:48:38.369400Z

sure does

practicalli-john 2020-04-18T17:49:03.369900Z

so if you run which clj-kondo is that on one of the paths you pasted above?

FlavaDave 2020-04-18T17:50:44.370300Z

/usr/local/bin/clj-kondo yes

practicalli-john 2020-04-18T17:51:19.370700Z

Okay, so then its Spacemacs that is the issue. Can you share your .spacemacs file? for example, if you have the github layer installed, you can do SPC g g b to create a gist from the current buffer. Or just copy it manually into gits or pastbin or similar - make sure you didnt put anything secret in there :)

FlavaDave 2020-04-18T17:53:24.370900Z


FlavaDave 2020-04-18T17:53:53.371600Z

maybe its time to switch to develop?

practicalli-john 2020-04-18T17:53:59.371900Z

I havent use Spacemacs 0.200 for a long time, more than two years. I do recommend using develop

spfeiffer 2020-04-18T17:54:36.373800Z

Doesn't need the spacemacs env file to be edited manually to pick up new path entries?

spfeiffer 2020-04-18T17:54:52.374500Z

Does restarting suffice?

spfeiffer 2020-04-18T17:55:38.376Z

I am still confused by the new env var handling.

FlavaDave 2020-04-18T17:56:00.376700Z

yea that is it probably it. I just got my first dev job and I quickly noticed that when I do screen-shares that everyone elses spacemacs runs a lot better. bet they are using develop branch

practicalli-john 2020-04-18T17:56:01.376800Z

FlavaDave is on master, there is no spacemacs.env file 🙂

spfeiffer 2020-04-18T17:56:49.377200Z

OK, missed that.

spfeiffer 2020-04-18T17:57:18.378500Z

I cannot recommen sticking to master at all.

practicalli-john 2020-04-18T17:57:35.378900Z

@dgonsalves22 if you are feeling lazy, you can reinstall Spacemacs develop using my install guide. Two git clones and you are finished , just delete the .spacemacs and .emac.d directory before you start.

spfeiffer 2020-04-18T17:58:41.380600Z

@dgonsalves22 the develop branch is lightyears ahead of master. IMHO, develop should be the default by now 😉

FlavaDave 2020-04-18T17:59:52.381500Z

@spfeiffer restarting (machine and spacemacs) did not suffice

FlavaDave 2020-04-18T18:01:16.382800Z

@jr0cket I’ll switch to develop using your guide. You were the whole reason I wanted to try Kondo in the first place. :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

practicalli-john 2020-04-18T18:03:22.384100Z

Borkdude must take most of the credit for that though, but thanks for the compliment. I really dont know how I wrote Clojure without clj-kondo