
Spacemacs docs:
spfeiffer 2020-05-07T06:49:17.001200Z

TBH, i do it very slow and manually, SPC /, visiting the first hit, then SPC s l, go to next hite, and so on. Certainly does not scale well when there are very many hits. But i never had that case.

practicalli-john 2020-05-07T08:46:18.007700Z

@drewverlee when using M-x or SPC SPC is typing a pattern not sufficient to narrow to the command? I have only used those key bindings when there is a command that doesn't have a key binding (and usually add one if I use an inbound command frequently enough).


I'll take a look tomorrow! I try to save my editor changes for the weekend so I don't go down even more rabbit holes. I appreciate the message and all your work. I have gotten a ton from it.

practicalli-john 2020-05-07T08:50:50.012100Z

To refactor I sometimes use the clojure-mode refactor menu (not clj-refactor), but mainly use the Emacs tools - iedit, helm-ag, narrowing Those Emacs tools work across languages and don't require any static analysis. Never had an issue using them

practicalli-john 2020-05-07T08:55:40.017100Z

To me these Emacs tools are far more effective than IDE's I have used in the past. They are fast, langi agnostic, you can be very precise in what you change and the only dependency I have is ripgrep (or ag) to make the search even faster (and provide globbing options)

nmkip 2020-05-07T12:23:25.022400Z

Hi! I'm trying to get used to spacemacs. Do you use SPC k ,,, key bindings (for example SPC k L SPC k H ) a lot? Which are the most common key bindings that you use while programming in clojure?

practicalli-john 2020-05-07T12:32:06.026400Z

@juan.ignacio848 I mostly use s to slurp and b to barf (and S and B companions). w / W to wrap or unwrap. I also use r to replace the parent with the current expression, usually when I have written too much code 🙂 There are lots of other useful key bindings under SPC k but I tend to just use Evil style editing because I got used to them.

nmkip 2020-05-07T12:38:29.026700Z

In cursive I mostly use raise barf and slurp. mmm and also a delete keybinding. Spacemacs has a lot more to offer and I'm not sure how to use it effectively 😛

nmkip 2020-05-07T12:40:13.026900Z

btw, is there a way to wrap with [] {} ?

nmkip 2020-05-07T12:41:52.027100Z

and what other key bindings do you usually use to interact with the REPL?

nmkip 2020-05-07T12:42:28.027300Z

I'll have to play one of your videos in 0.25x speed to check that stuff haha

practicalli-john 2020-05-07T13:11:01.027500Z

I often use Evil normal state to wrap things. First select something with SPC v then s to surround and ] or } to wrap the selection. Using [ or { adds a space between the wrapping characters and the selection. I used to use clojure-mode for changing parens, eg from a vector to a list with SPC r c and the respective character. I now tend to use cs - Evil change surround. Move the cursor to anywhere on or inside the surrounding parens, c s to change surround, the open paren character I want to replace, eg. [ followed by the parens I want to use instead, eg. )

😁 1
practicalli-john 2020-05-07T13:11:29.027700Z

More videos of this on the way when I get chance 🙂

practicalli-john 2020-05-07T13:13:31.029700Z

Added more useful tips when creating commits with Magit, includes scrolling through previous commit messages when creating a new commit. Its a simple way to keep consistent approach to the commit history.

nmkip 2020-05-07T13:33:16.029800Z


nmkip 2020-05-07T13:33:48.030100Z

Thanks for the advice. I'll try it this afternoon

nmkip 2020-05-07T13:34:12.030300Z

No clojure until then :(


Thanks john. I do use M-x Whats happening is that the "emacs command history" is taking up to much of the buffer.


I guess i'll look into either truncating it, removing duplicates or just removing the history.

nmkip 2020-05-07T13:44:26.031100Z

Do you have a magit spacemacs video?

practicalli-john 2020-05-07T15:35:34.031300Z

There are several more I want to create, but here is the collection of Magit related video I currently have

practicalli-john 2020-05-07T15:39:56.031500Z

Ah, it seems you are also getting the bug where helm is showing duplicate results, which would not help you finding the right command. I suggest you file a bug about this on Spacemacs, SPC h I . Several others have mentioned this issue on the Spacemacs gitter channel, but no one raised an issue yet (making it hard to diagnose). Its not something I have been able to reproduce. I assume its some version of helm package that went bad, but as I cant replicate it, that is just a guess.

practicalli-john 2020-05-07T15:41:41.031700Z

All my Spacemacs videos should be on this playlist. The ones with dark back grounds may be a little old

nmkip 2020-05-07T16:47:22.031900Z

👍 thanks


gotcha. Ill make sure to update my dotfile to just in case.


thanks again.


re. my search for a search+replace: projectile-replace-regexp works for project wide search replace

practicalli-john 2020-05-07T22:07:14.033300Z has details of the fix, of you haven't seen that already