
Spacemacs docs:
practicalli-john 2020-05-28T09:50:37.228900Z

@agilecreativity SPC k y is the standard Spacemacs key binding for sp-copy-sexp , well actually evil-lisp-state-sp-copy-sexp that wraps the former in Evil. There are also numerous ways to do the same in Evil normal state too.

practicalli-john 2020-05-28T10:01:15.230600Z

If you are using Holy mode (Emacs keybindings) then Smartparents defines C-M-w , although I didnt get this to work so you may have to add your own keybindings

practicalli-john 2020-05-28T18:36:53.236300Z

I've updated the Magit Forge section of Practicalli Spacemacs to include a configuration to control how many open and closed issues and pull requests are displayed. By default it shows a both open and closed items. Specifying 0 for the closed items hides closed issues permanently. Specifying a negative number for closed topics allows toggling the view to include them using SPC SPC forge-toggle-closed-visibility (a PR for a keybinding for this seems to be in my future).

(setq  forge-topic-list-limit '(100 . -10))
I also added details on creating and editing issues from Spacemacs, its nice and fast. I've also updated the practicalli/spacemacs.d repository with the topic list limit configuration -

practicalli-john 2020-05-29T12:53:28.251900Z

I am really enjoying using Forge though and finding it more useful than I though, especially once I figured out how to create and update issues

zane 2020-05-28T20:37:17.237100Z

With SPC f R is there a way to get spacemacs to accept the new filename as written? If the new filename is a subsequence of the original file name RET just confirms the original name.

zane 2020-05-29T23:48:55.252700Z

For anyone following along, what I wanted here was either C-M-j (for ivy-immediate-done, or to set ivy-use-selectable-prompt to t and then move the selection up to the prompt itself.

aisamu 2020-05-28T20:41:03.237700Z

Just press up to highlight the row that starts with a question mark

agilecreativity 2020-05-28T23:14:02.241700Z

Wow I really should just use ya). Thanks so much for pointing this out! I came from traditional Emacs and totally forgot about this Vim command. Thanks @jeff.terrell

agilecreativity 2020-05-28T23:32:21.244300Z

I use % to jump between open and close parentheses all the time and for got that y% is something I need for getting the same effect as the above.

jeff.terrell 2020-05-28T23:42:22.245Z

Fantastic! Glad that was helpful. Cheers.