
Spacemacs docs:
jumar 2020-08-05T06:49:01.155600Z

M-C-k used to kill the next sexp; I recently upgrade my spacemacs and now it seems to place some cursors around (evil-mc-make-cursor-prev-line) Is there an easy alternative for the former behavior? How do I get rid of those cursors (without killing the buffer)?

practicalli-john 2020-08-05T07:20:12.158900Z

@jumar I seem to use SPC v x to delete an s-expressions in Evil normal state (when cursor is on the open or close paren) SPC k d x is the smartparens delete the current s-expression and SPC k D x to delete the previous s-expression

jumar 2020-08-05T07:25:28.159Z

Ah nice, thanks!

kirill.salykin 2020-08-05T17:15:06.159600Z

hi has anyone an instruction how to setup lsp with clojure?

2020-08-05T17:36:36.159800Z Looks like @jr0cket experimented with it


oh wait that looks like clj-kondo :thinking_face:

practicalli-john 2020-08-05T18:33:28.161500Z

There is a clojure-lsp package, but haven't tried it. Happy with the REPL, which is really fast with Clojure CLI tools.