
Spacemacs docs:
practicalli-john 2020-08-29T06:44:04.007600Z

That's quite strange. You could move the .spacemacs.d and restart, just to check there isn't a bug in there (apologies if there is)

practicalli-john 2020-08-29T06:45:03.007800Z

If Emacs is less than version 26.3 then it could be the authentication issue with melpa.

practicalli-john 2020-08-29T06:46:04.008Z

If it's MacOSX it could be running the old Emacs 22 that is included by default

murtaza52 2020-08-29T06:48:18.008200Z

Its manjaro linux, and emacs version is 27.2, i just tried a fresh install of soom emacs and it worked (I guess its cloning repos instead if installing packages from melpa but not sure)

practicalli-john 2020-08-29T06:56:18.008400Z

Could be melpa having issues, it's rare but happens.

practicalli-john 2020-08-29T06:59:40.008600Z

I was using Emacs 27 without any issues, although am using Emacs 28 snapshots on Ubuntu at the moment