I'm suffering from a poor responsiveness when I trigger a key combination that's not finished.
E.g. when I press , r
it takes a few seconds until the popup help menu is shown.
It takes even longer when I press SPC o c
which is my custom prefix for some of the cider functions.
In general if I don't manage to type something out (either because I don't know or because I'm too slow) the emacs freezes for several seconds.
This has been magnified by my own setting dotspacemacs-which-key-delay 0.2
which I removed but it's still a very visible problem.
Any ideas on how to debug this or what could be the problem?
There is a discussion about this issue here. One simplistic approach is to delete unused layers and then which-key has less to do https://github.com/justbur/emacs-which-key/issues/226
Thanks for the link - I'll check that for more details.
There I found this too: https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/issues/13872
The suggestion to increase delays to effectively disable "which menu" wasn't satisfactory (although it solves the performance issue)
so I tried to delete the elpa
directory and let emacs reinstall the packages - so far it looks much better