
Spacemacs docs:
practicalli-john 2020-10-07T16:48:14.036200Z

Changes to the practicalli/spacemacs.d configuration for Spacemacs. Now recommending Emacs 27.1 as its the current stable version and it supports ligatures (stylized character pairs). • renamed Git branch to live (update your remote urls) • added unicode ligature support • Switched to using Fira code font as this has ligature support • Updated the doom modeline theme for a nice minimal look without loosing any important information • Added font rendering optimizations • custom snippets: deprecated and design journal banners, rich code block with clj-kondo ignore duplicate vars

spfeiffer 2020-10-07T17:26:07.036500Z

What means „supports ligatures“? I have Fira Code with Ligatures for quite some time. Things got easier?

practicalli-john 2020-10-07T17:35:30.037Z

Emacs 27 now uses the HarfBuzz as its shaping engine by default, which provides extensive ligature and other fancy text rendering.... I don't know what it was like before, but I just changed the font and added the unicode-font layer with a variable to enable ligature support.

practicalli-john 2020-10-07T17:39:41.037200Z

;; Support font ligatures (fancy symbols) in all modes
     ;; 'prog-mode for only programming languages
     ;; including text-mode may cause issues with org-mode and magit
     (unicode-fonts :variables
                    unicode-fonts-enable-ligatures t
                    unicode-fonts-ligature-modes '(prog-mode))
That's it

lread 2020-10-07T17:53:52.037400Z

Oh that’s cool, I can now get rid of that special setup under user-config!

spfeiffer 2020-10-07T17:59:04.037600Z

Yes, did not know that. I also had the special setup to get Ligatures going