
Spacemacs docs:
Karol Wójcik 2020-10-08T13:23:03.038900Z

Is it possibile to target both clojure-mode & clojurescript mode in one entry of .dir-locals?

practicalli-john 2020-10-08T13:46:07.039100Z

In one .dir-locals.el file, not sure what you mean by one entry...

practicalli-john 2020-10-08T13:47:09.039300Z

This might help...

practicalli-john 2020-10-08T13:47:58.039500Z

There are lots of variables that can be included

practicalli-john 2020-10-08T13:48:24.039700Z

I am not sure what all of them do yet, but #cider people should be able to help

Karol Wójcik 2020-10-08T14:55:56.040Z

@jr0cket I would like to propagate variables set in clojure-mode to clojurescript-mode

Kurt Sys 2020-10-08T15:10:24.043Z

I'm running some clj code blocks from org mode, but the output doesn't contain any newlines:

#+begin_src clojure
  4544 ;; number
  \a   ;; character
  "a"  ;; string

: 4544\a"a"
Is there a way to add newlines after eacht line of output? What I'd like to see in the results is:
#+begin_src clojure
  4544 ;; number
  \a   ;; character
  "a"  ;; string

: 4544
: \a
: "a"
How to do that? I've tried different :output values.

Karol Wójcik 2020-10-08T15:14:56.043100Z

Actually I think that specifying options for clojure-mode propagates to clojurescript as well 😄

practicalli-john 2020-10-08T15:34:58.045Z

@kurt.sys my first thought would be to wrap them in println but I suspect that's not quite what you want to achieve.

Kurt Sys 2020-10-08T15:43:12.048200Z

@jr0cket yeah... that's not really what I want to achieve. I'll manage without, but it would be nicer with the newlines. Thanks anyway!