Hi folks, very basic question but: i’d like to add a binding to the clojure minor mode. Where is the preferred way to do this?
I’d like , e ;
to be mapped to 'cider-eval-defun-to-comment
I have this:
;; Print eval sexp
(define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "C-;") 'cider-pprint-eval-last-sexp-to-comment)
in dotspacemacs/user-config
of .spacemacs
C-; prints evaluation to comment. 🙂i assume i shouldn’t just edit /layers/+lang/clojure/packages.el (it could work of course)? Or should I fork spacemacs or something?
@jr0cket (yes i’m watching your video 🙂 )
@kah0ona Hello, the example you gave is already a key binding. I suspect you are using a very old version of Spacemacs, i.e. version 0.200.
I recommend using Spacemacs 0.300, available on the develop
A guide to switching successfully is at https://practicalli.github.io/spacemacs/install-spacemacs/switch-to-develop.html
I just found your video and content, so I ’m guessing some studying on your blog would solve lots of questions 🙂
Maybe take a look at the book when you have time, or feel free to ask questions (its how I learn how to write an even better book)
okay thanks
congrats on the cognitect sponsoring btw, well deserved. through that post I found your video, fwiw
ok thanks. i kind of started using spacemacs in 2017, but haven’t really tweaked it very much, but your vid inspired me to improve some stuff
I also have a Spacemacs config if you want all the settings I use. Take a quick look at the install process to see if its for you https://practicalli.github.io/spacemacs/install-spacemacs/
great! much appreciated, will dive into this 🙂
I might need a new install version of the video now that Emacs 27 is out... which works very well with Spacemacs. Apart from that it should all work
Good to know how you found the Practicalli content, hopefully it will help even more people now.
i’m on spacemacs 0.200.1 @ emacs 27.1
so will upgrade that soon
using your guide
Spacemacs 0.300 has 2.5 years worth of updates and fixes. Its what I have used for the last 2.5 years 🙂
There are a few key binding changes, but almost all are additive
yeah really need to upgrade
missing out