I find that i get stuck in insert mode a lot
escape acts as a prefix
how do I leave insert mode if both esc and ctrl-[ don't work?
oh, I think it's from hitting Ctrl-z
@grazfather ah, hitting C-z takes you to Emacs editing state, cursor turns blue. C-z will take you back again
yucky. I wouldn't know how to use it, but I apparently hit it accidentally. How can I unmap it?
@grazfather to unmap the key should be something like this in the .spacemacs file, in the dotspacemacs/user-config
(define-key global-map (kbd "C-z") nil)
Thank you!
I think SPC f e R
should load in the change, otherwise SPC q r
to restart Emacs.
Hm, that doesn't seem to work.
Sorry, copy paste error, I forgot to change the k to a z... updated in the post above
no that wasn't it, i figured that part
I had to use global-map
not global-state-map
Its probably defined in a different keyboard map
wait that doesnt' work either
yeah i will unmap it manually in all of them
SPC h d K
will describe a key map
oh wow ty