Hi there. Whats the correct way to add
(use-package doom-modeline
:ensure t
:init (doom-modeline-mode 1))
equivalent to spacemacs?
I popped the above into my user-config with doom-modeline also in spacemacs-additional-packages and it seems to reinstall doom-modeline every timeI’d like to learn to program in emacs. Any online material or book to recommend?
Do you know of material that teach the fundamentals of emacs programming?
There is an Emacs Lisp track on http://Exercism.io but havent tried it yet https://exercism.io/tracks/emacs-lisp Otherwise I'd probably start with the Emacs manual and reference guides https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/documentation.html
Thank you @jr0cket. The emacs-lisp track is only about the language itself. I am looking for something that teaches the editor related concepts (buffer, frame, point etc..) in a digestible way. The Emacs manual is a bit too detailed and I get lost in the details.