
Spacemacs docs:
grazfather 2021-02-10T01:03:47.120900Z

Why does spacemacs use ctrl k and j for up and down? even in vim it’s ctrl p and n normally

practicalli-john 2021-02-10T09:08:20.121300Z

In Spacemacs j and k move the cursor down and up a line on Evil normal state, just like the vim style. 24 j will move down 24 lines just like vim. If this isn't the case, then some custom code has been added or something is broken. C-j and C-k are used to navigate in a helm popup, but I cannot think of another case.

grazfather 2021-02-10T14:43:34.121700Z

it’s also used in the repl

grazfather 2021-02-10T14:43:55.121900Z

jk and makes sense, but in vim ctrl p and ctrl n are used to navigate dropdowns and history

grazfather 2021-02-10T14:44:17.122100Z

I guess fixing it in Helm would have the biggest impact