
Spacemacs docs:
mafcocinco 2021-02-26T16:59:44.016100Z

Has anyone installed spacemacs as part of a docker image for doing development within a container? If so, does anyone know of a tutorial/walk through that talks about the steps required to set this up? In addition to the initial construction of the docker image, something specific I am curious about is the possibility of retaining customizations made by individual developers, possibly by storing this on a separate volume. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

mafcocinco 2021-03-01T17:11:19.018500Z

That is not a bad idea. In this case, at my current company, we are trying to build a docker image for developers to ease onboarding. Instead of having to install all the necessary dependencies, we could just have them just install what was necessary to run the container and (hopefully) everything they need could be self-contained within the container.

mafcocinco 2021-03-01T17:11:55.018700Z

But we can play around with exposing the REPL from the container and see if that might be an option.

mafcocinco 2021-03-01T17:26:42.018900Z

Thanks for the suggestions!