
Spacemacs docs:
Huahai 2021-03-27T02:42:30.016900Z

cider-doc does not in my spamacs

Huahai 2021-03-27T02:43:13.017800Z

any idea? it stopped working since i updated the packages

Huahai 2021-03-27T02:43:24.018100Z

cider-doc does nothing now

Huahai 2021-03-27T03:26:34.018700Z

ok, this seems to only fail on emacs native comp, guess cider is not compatible with it

jumar 2021-03-27T05:21:12.019800Z

It should work with native comp- might be a glitch with your build or system

erwinrooijakkers 2021-03-27T13:17:21.020200Z

For running in the REPL the -A flag worked for my deps.edn, -M did not. Any idea why? deps.edn

{:paths ["src"], :deps [org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.10.2"}], :aliases {:dev {:extra-paths ["resources"]}}}
Maybe I had something misconfigured above?
$ clojure --help | grep alias
 -Oalias...     Concatenated jvm option aliases, ex: -O:mem
 -Ralias...     Concatenated resolve-deps aliases, ex: -R:bench:1.9
 -Calias...     Concatenated make-classpath aliases, ex: -C:dev
 -Malias...     Concatenated main option aliases, ex: -M:test
 -Aalias...     Concatenated aliases of any kind, ex: -A:dev:mem

practicalli-john 2021-03-27T13:46:02.021200Z

@erwinrooijakkers To use the -M flag, Clojure CLI tools version 1.10.697 or above is required. It seems from the clojure --help output you have an older version than this. Several flags changed meaning at this version of Clojure CLI tools onward. To see the version, use:

clojure -Sdescribe
Install the latest version from

👍 1
erwinrooijakkers 2021-03-27T18:03:13.026500Z

$ clojure -Sdescribe
{:version ""

erwinrooijakkers 2021-03-27T18:03:13.026700Z


erwinrooijakkers 2021-03-27T18:03:17.026900Z
