
plexus 2020-04-09T13:16:06.000700Z

Work in progress version of using Malli with Specmonstah https://github.com/lambdaisland/specmonstah-malli

plexus 2020-04-09T14:18:49.002200Z

hi @nfedyashev and @victorbjelkholm429 👋:skin-tone-2: are you experienced specmonstah users, or more just specmonstah curious? :thinking_face:

victorb 2020-04-09T14:22:42.002500Z

just monstahcurious when you mentioned it

victorb 2020-04-09T14:23:55.003200Z

found it a bit before but haven't played around with it yet. But usually get a good idea around stuff by reading and following around discussions from others using stuff, so thought I'd idle here

nick 2020-04-09T15:05:00.003900Z

curious but it looks great

pithyless 2020-04-09T17:41:48.007100Z

👋 I have some legacy integration tests written in specmonstah, that I have not touched in ages and are kind of brittle; but I'll happily track the specmonstah-malli progress, because I think it may help clean up some of the mess (limitations around global registry clojure-spec).