Handy cheat sheet contributed by @djebbz https://github.com/nathanmarz/specter/wiki/Cheat-Sheet
hi, if i'm transform
over [specter/MAP-VALS :some-key]
and inside my transform i want/need to access the KEY-VAL corresponding to the particular MAP-VAL that i'm in, is that possible? or do these cases always degenerate into a case of [specter/ALL]
with drilling down required inside the transform-fn
@johanatan accessing the key while transforming a map val is expressed as (transform [ALL (collect-one FIRST) LAST] ...)
ah, nice. what would be the signature be for capturing the key and the value?
just [[k v]]
[the transform-fn signature that is]
and also can you have additional filters (such as the kwd in my example) after the LAST