
Latest version: 1.1.3
idiomancy 2018-08-25T02:11:43.000100Z

hoookay, trying to make a navigator path that selects the first value of every vector in a nested map of vectors like

idiomancy 2018-08-25T02:11:50.000100Z

idiomancy 2018-08-25T02:12:42.000100Z

i gather that I need a recursive path, and its straight blowin my mind

idiomancy 2018-08-25T02:24:55.000100Z


idiomancy 2018-08-25T02:25:32.000100Z

idiomancy 2018-08-25T02:34:31.000100Z

damn. thought this would work

idiomancy 2018-08-25T02:35:26.000100Z

idiomancy 2018-08-25T02:35:37.000100Z

but it just blows up and says it exceeds recursion depth

nathanmarz 2018-08-25T06:49:37.000100Z

@roklenarcic if you want to navigate to the value for a keyword, then that's always the best way

nathanmarz 2018-08-25T06:50:24.000100Z

there is also must which only navigates if the key exists

nathanmarz 2018-08-25T06:53:10.000100Z

@idiomancy change VECTOR-NODES to ALL in the definition