
Latest version: 1.1.3
pepe 2018-11-07T07:57:30.032800Z

Hello. With latest shadow-cljs and clojurescript I am getting theese warnings:

------ WARNING #1 --------------------------------------------------------------
 File: com/rpl/specter.cljc:1275:19
1272 |           ns (namespace structure)]
1273 |       (cond (keyword? structure) (keyword ns new-name)
1274 |             (symbol? structure) (symbol ns new-name)
1275 |             :else (i/throw-illegal "NAME can only be used on symbols or keywords - " structure)
 Use of undeclared Var com.rpl.specter/java
1276 |             ))))
1277 | 
1278 | (defnav ^{:doc "Navigates to the namespace portion of the keyword or symbol"}
1279 |   NAMESPACE

------ WARNING #2 --------------------------------------------------------------
 File: com/rpl/specter.cljc:1288:19
1285 |           new-ns (next-fn (namespace structure))]
1286 |       (cond (keyword? structure) (keyword new-ns name)
1287 |             (symbol? structure) (symbol new-ns name)
1288 |             :else (i/throw-illegal "NAMESPACE can only be used on symbols or keywords - " structure)
 Use of undeclared Var com.rpl.specter/java
1289 |             ))))
1290 | 
1291 | (defdynamicnav
1292 |   ^{:doc "Adds the result of running select with the given path on the

pepe 2018-11-07T07:58:30.034Z

I had some warnings about js in my project, so I think it is connected to the new type interence in latest clojurescript

nathanmarz 2018-11-07T13:27:22.034400Z

@pepe the cljs throw-illegal is:

(defn throw-illegal [& args]
     (throw (js/Error. (apply str args)))))

nathanmarz 2018-11-07T13:27:42.034800Z

there's no var named java in the specter source

nathanmarz 2018-11-07T13:27:44.035Z

sounds like a cljs issue

pepe 2018-11-07T13:35:50.036100Z

I was looking into the code also, and have not found anything. Thank you! I will try to investigate it.