I’m having trouble with a recursive requirement. Here’s the example:
(->> {:gender :male
:type :person
:name "Luke"
:mother {:gender :female
:type :person
:name "Padme"}
:friends [{:gender :male
:type :person
:name "Han"}
{:gender :male
:type :person
:name "Chewbacca"}]
:mentors {:type :group
:people [{:gender :male
:type :person
:name "Obiwan"}
{:gender :male
:type :person
:name "Yoda"}]}}
(select [(recursive-path [] p
(if-path (fn [v] (and (map? v) (:gender v)))
(continue-then-stay (multi-path [(must :friends) ALL]
[MAP-VALS #(:gender %)])
[{:gender :male, :type :person, :name "Han"}
{:gender :male, :type :person, :name "Chewbacca"}
{:gender :female, :type :person, :name "Padme"}
{:gender :male,
:type :person,
:name "Luke",
:mother {:gender :female, :type :person, :name "Padme"},
:friends [{:gender :male, :type :person, :name "Han"} {:gender :male, :type :person, :name "Chewbacca"}],
:mentors {:type :group,
:people [{:gender :male, :type :person, :name "Obiwan"} {:gender :male, :type :person, :name "Yoda"}]}}]
How can I get it to also return the mentors? They are :persons as wellmulti-path only seems to support 2 variations. I guess another way of asking this is how can I combine the selections of 3 paths into 1?
One way would be to use a clojure.walk to extract all :person maps and wrap that in a specter nav (maybe view). I can’t use specter/walker because it stops on matches in each branch so it would only return 1 mentor. ideally I’d like some specter native nav composition but can’t see how.
@steveb8n I think you're looking for:
(recursive-path [] p
(must :mother)
(must :father)
[(must :friends) ALL]
[(must :mentors) :people ALL]
thanks. let me try that
awesome. works like a charm.