What I have:
(def m (-> {} (assoc-in [:a :b :c :d] 1) (assoc-in [:x :y :z] 2)))
"A path that visits v and collects k in [[k v], ...]."
[sr/ALL (sr/putval sr/FIRST) sr/LAST])
"A selector that visits all elements of a seq, and collects their indices."
[(sr/view #(map-indexed vector %)) INDEXED])
[] p
map? [INDEXED p]
coll? [INDEXED-SEQ p]
sr/STAY sr/STAY)))
(sr/select [NESTED-PATHS] m)
;; => [[:a :b :c :d 1] [:x :y :z 2]]
What I would like (so I can peek/pop to destructure, since the "path" is separate from the final value):
[[[:a :b :c :d] 1] [[:x :y :z] 2]]
Of course I can just do that with last & butlast but if there was a more efficient/elegant/different version I'd love to knowi could also solve this problem if I had a version of view
that showed me the currently collected values