Hi. I am trying to collect all values which are associated to a keyword :tags
in a hierarchy of maps. Is there an easy way to do that using Specter?
I tried this, but it does not walk into maps which have :tags
(s/select [(s/walker #(and (map? %) (contains? % :tags))) :tags s/ALL]
{:a {:tags [1 {:tags [2]}]}
:b {:tags [3]}})
; => [1 {:tags [2]} 3]
@vincent.cantin easy to do with recursive-path
user=> (def data
#_=> {:a {:tags [1 {:tags [2]}]}
#_=> :b {:tags [3]}})
user=> (def MY-WALKER
#_=> (recursive-path [] p
#_=> (continue-then-stay
#_=> (cond-path map? MAP-VALS
#_=> sequential? ALL)
#_=> p
#_=> )))
user=> (select [MY-WALKER map? (must :tags) ALL] data)
[2 1 {:tags [2]} 3]