
All things SQL and JDBC...

["INSERT INTO t (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)" 1 "DEFAULT"]
How can I insert something like that when by “DEFAULT” I mean the SQL DEFAULT without quotes (not a string, a SQL keyword) ? I have a similar problem with a PostGIS type (`geography`) but I think the issue is the same.


I am looking at PGobject.setType but I can’t find a suitable type


having a look at postgis-java

kirill.salykin 2020-04-02T14:59:16.137700Z

you just don’t insert b - and db will use default value


I am aware - however my real issue is with the postgis data, I just think this is the same problem


hmm they look old - https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.postgis

dharrigan 2020-04-02T18:21:23.138800Z

postgis java is at 2.5.0

dharrigan 2020-04-02T18:21:27.139100Z

came out a few days ago

dharrigan 2020-04-02T18:21:43.139300Z

4 to be precise


yes, seems that it works (at least I can insert data)


org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections
I am using a component reloaded workflow. After some time when reseting I get the above. Does that mean I am not closing my connections properly on stop?


That's likely the explanation, yeah.