
All things SQL and JDBC...
nachos 2020-07-01T05:06:29.076300Z

@seancorfield Oh wow. I was searching for this all day. Guess I was searching for postgres specific doc. Thanks a lot 🙂

seancorfield 2020-07-01T05:07:43.076500Z

I'm just grateful to all the PostgreSQL users who keep submitting pull requests 🙂 That whole section was submitted by the community. I don't use PostgreSQL at all...


@seancorfield it selects the foo and bar column from the joined table


which are a uuid and string in this case

seancorfield 2020-07-01T05:20:04.079100Z

select foo, bar from ... would give you the plain hash map then?

seancorfield 2020-07-01T05:20:33.079800Z

When you have (foo, bar) I think you're telling PG to produce a compound object.


thanks, that makes sense, without the parens it returns maps

emccue 2020-07-01T10:40:42.082200Z

Is there a way to use named parameters with raw next.jdbc calls, or should i go to honey/hug sql for that?

emccue 2020-07-04T22:11:18.125200Z

I ended up writing a small function and macro for if I end up wanting this for real

emccue 2020-07-04T22:11:34.125400Z

(macroexpand-1 '(expand-named-parameters-compile-time
                  "INSERT INTO PERSON (id, name) VALUES (:id, :name)
                    ON CONFLICT (id)
                        SET name = :name
                    RETURNING id, name"
                  {:name (:person/name person)
                   :id (:person/id person)}))
 [G__4732 (:person/name person) G__4733 (:person/id person)]
 ["INSERT INTO PERSON (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)
       SET name = ?
   RETURNING id, name"

emccue 2020-07-01T10:40:52.082500Z

INSERT INTO PERSON (id, name) VALUES (:id, :name)
        ON CONFLICT (id)
            SET name = :name
        RETURNING id, name

sandbags 2020-07-01T13:10:09.084200Z

I'm pretty rusty with SQL these days. Working on building a Tuple Space server implementation and considering the best way to handle the data including via SQL. If anyone could critique what I have so far and/or offer suggestions of alternatives https://gist.githubusercontent.com/mmower/289b56c1dc2811b5c26def554f2c8643/raw/a4333e1da2a7a40ca2fc8508c3a6bf6b432bd020/gistfile1.txt I'd welcome either. TIA.

sandbags 2020-07-01T13:16:03.084800Z

@seancorfield thanks for all your work on next.jdbc and honeysql, I always enjoy coming back to Clojure/SQL stuff largely because it feels so sane!

🎉 1
dangercoder 2020-07-01T13:22:08.085300Z

Are there any examples on how to get windows authentication to work with next.jdbc and sql-server? Found some old examples here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6330688/connecting-to-microsoft-sql-server-using-clojure/6331367

✔️ 1
dangercoder 2020-07-02T18:15:06.104900Z

Not yet David. Giving it another shot tomorrow

seancorfield 2020-07-01T16:17:36.086700Z

I'd probably be inclined to just use ? three times here and pass the ID, the name, and the name again.

seancorfield 2020-07-01T16:18:43.086900Z

But I also might use HoneySQL for this which accepts named parameters and transforms them behind the scenes (you pass a hash map to the formatter and it expands to the regular ["SQL" param1 param2 param3] format.

seancorfield 2020-07-01T16:18:59.087100Z

(I don't use HugSQL but I can see that being a good option too)


I managed it by using the latest mssql driver, and by setting the jdbcUrl key for db.


You also need to store their auth dll somewhere on your java path


For the driver. Hope it helps!