
All things SQL and JDBC...
Santiago 2020-12-25T08:29:57.008Z

☝️ This works! Thanks @seancorfield

(def db
  {:dbtype "snowflake"
   :user "<YOUR USERNAME>"
   :password "<YOUR PASSWORD>"
   :host "https://&lt;FULL ACCOUNT NAME&gt;.<http://snowflakecomputing.com|snowflakecomputing.com>"
   :port "443"
   :db "&lt;DEFAULT DB&gt;"
   :roles "&lt;YOUR ROLE&gt;"
   :classname "net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver"})

seancorfield 2020-12-25T18:03:17.009300Z

@slack.jcpsantiago That looks good. I'm a bit surprised that it accepts :host with the https:// prefix but mostly next.jdbc just builds a JDBC URL from parts of that hash map and hands it off to the driver -- so some drivers are pretty lenient about what they accept.