
All things SQL and JDBC...
fabrao 2021-03-09T04:04:23.001600Z

hello all, I have a sequence in postgresql, is there any way to use this sequence with next/jdbc to do insert! without using insert as string?

fabrao 2021-03-09T08:06:19.005600Z

yes, that´s I want, like nextval

fabrao 2021-03-09T08:06:25.005800Z

thank you

fabrao 2021-03-09T09:01:09.006Z

Hello Sean, your example is not working

fabrao 2021-03-09T09:11:00.006200Z

this is working

   (sfmt-help/insert-into :smtb_flow)
   (sfmt-help/values [{:id_flow (sfmt/call :nextval "seq_fluxo") :nm_flow "Teste" :id_company 1 :ds_flow_title "Teste" :dt_created (sfmt/call :NOW)}])
   (sfmt/format {:parameterizer :none})

jb recluse 2021-03-09T14:52:30.007Z

@fabrao are you using v2 as indicated? it worked for me:

(require '[honey.sql :as sql])
(require '[honey.sql.helpers :refer :all :as h])
(-> (insert-into :my_tbl)
    (values [{:id [:nextval "my_seq"] :my_col "foo"}])
    (sql/format {:inline true}))
["INSERT INTO my_tbl (id, my_col) VALUES (NEXTVAL('my_seq'), 'foo')"]
when using
seancorfield/honeysql {:mvn/version "2.0.0-alpha2"}

fabrao 2021-03-09T21:20:53.007200Z

Ho, I did not check about version 2

seancorfield 2021-03-09T21:46:32.007400Z

It's worth noting that the nextval('seq') form works like that only because it is evaluated inline, but if you are not inlining all your parameters (and you probably should not do that -- b/c of SQL injection dangers), then you can just choose to line part of the expression:

(values [{:id [:nextval [:inline "my_seq"]] :my_col "foo"}])
(without the {:inline true} in the sql/format call)

seancorfield 2021-03-09T21:47:38.007600Z

What will happen here is that "foo" will be lifted out as a parameter, but the sequence name will be inlined:

["INSERT INTO my_tbl (id, my_col) VALUES (NEXTVAL('my_seq'), ?)" "foo"]
which gives you the best of both worlds.

jb recluse 2021-03-09T21:49:26.008400Z

definitely worth noting, thanks! i was not aware that was possible

seancorfield 2021-03-09T21:53:40.008600Z

V2 syntax is a lot more composable than V1.

seancorfield 2021-03-09T04:14:28.002300Z

Can you explain what you mean by "a sequence in postgresql"?

seancorfield 2021-03-09T04:15:30.002700Z

Are you talking about arrays? There's a section in the docs about that: https://cljdoc.org/d/seancorfield/next.jdbc/1.1.613/doc/getting-started/tips-tricks#working-with-arrays

seancorfield 2021-03-09T04:22:12.004100Z

And, in general, if you don't want to work with strings -- and the next.jdbc.sql functions don't do what you need -- the recommendation is always to use HoneySQL to produce the vector of SQL string and parameters.

jb recluse 2021-03-09T05:29:25.004200Z

(jdbc/execute! ds ["create sequence my_seq start 1 increment 2"])
=> [#:next.jdbc{:update-count 0}]
(jdbc/execute! ds ["create table my_tbl (id int primary key, my_col varchar)"])
=> [#:next.jdbc{:update-count 0}]
(jdbc/execute! ds ["insert into my_tbl values (nextval('my_seq'), ?)" "foo"])
=> [#:next.jdbc{:update-count 1}]
(jdbc/execute! ds ["select * from my_tbl"])
=> [#:my_tbl{:id 1, :my_col "foo"}]
(jdbc/execute! ds ["insert into my_tbl values (nextval('my_seq'), ?)" "bar"])
=> [#:next.jdbc{:update-count 1}]
(jdbc/execute! ds ["select * from my_tbl"])
=> [#:my_tbl{:id 1, :my_col "foo"} #:my_tbl{:id 3, :my_col "bar"}]
not sure if i hit on the nuance you are looking for?

jb recluse 2021-03-09T05:29:58.004400Z

oh, not even close, you wanted to use insert!

jb recluse 2021-03-09T05:30:01.004600Z

one sec

jb recluse 2021-03-09T05:41:17.004800Z

it appears that insert! expects all the values to be sent as ?-params, which is not how using seqs in postgres works afaik. so i dont think you'll be able to do this. however a suitably designed table doesnt need to explicitly use a sequence:

(jdbc/execute! ds ["create table my_serial_tbl (id serial primary key, my_col varchar)"])
=> [#:next.jdbc{:update-count 0}]
(require '[next.jdbc.sql :as sql])
=> nil
(sql/insert! ds :my_serial_tbl {:my_col "foo"})
=> #:my_serial_tbl{:id 1, :my_col "foo"}
(jdbc/execute! ds ["select * from my_serial_tbl"])
=> [#:my_serial_tbl{:id 1, :my_col "foo"}]

jb recluse 2021-03-09T06:01:40.005Z

(def my-insert (-> (insert-into :my_tbl)
                   (values [{:id "nextval('my_seq')" :my_col "'foo'"}])
                   (sql/format :parameterizer :none)))
=> #'user/my-insert
(jdbc/execute! ds my-insert)
=> [#:next.jdbc{:update-count 1}]
(jdbc/execute! ds ["select * from my_tbl"])
=> [#:my_tbl{:id 1, :my_col "foo"} #:my_tbl{:id 3, :my_col "bar"} #:my_tbl{:id 5, :my_col "foo"}]
this is using honeysql as @seancorfield recommended. note that you have to supply the single quotes for strings when you turn off parameterization (which you have to do to get the nextval call to work)

seancorfield 2021-03-09T06:20:47.005200Z

@chetlind_clojure That's with V1. Not much of that applies with V2 which handles string inlining correctly, as well as also supporting nextval out of the box.

seancorfield 2021-03-09T06:24:18.005400Z

(-> (insert-into :my_tbl)
    (values [{:id [:nextval "my_seq"] :my_col "foo"}])
    (sql/format {:inline true}))
That should work on V2 as you expect.