
All things SQL and JDBC...
v3ga 2021-06-10T03:37:51.180300Z

Ok, I’ll take a look.

orestis 2021-06-10T06:03:13.181200Z

Would a vector of numbers be interpreted as a function call? Or is it keyword/symbol first element?

seancorfield 2021-06-10T06:27:18.181400Z

The numbers would be treated as parameters and the vector would be rendered as a SQL tuple β€” but it would still be wrong πŸ™‚

mccraigmccraig 2021-06-10T14:56:17.184600Z

i'm using next.jdbc with hikari and postgres and i'm having what looks like some timezone related problems - is there any way to set the connection timezone for connections gotten via the pool ? HikariConfig.setConnectionInitSql seems ideal, but i'm not even creating a HikariConfig object, just (connection/->pool HikariDataSource db-spec)

camsaul 2021-06-11T21:30:12.186100Z

@mccraigmccraig for Postgres you can always just .execute

You could wrap the DataSource you pass to Hikari and have it do that in getConnection when it creates new connections to add to the pool

camsaul 2021-06-11T21:32:44.186400Z

e.g. something like

(defn wrapped-data-source ^javax.sql.DataSource [^javax.sql.DataSource original-data-source]
  (reify javax.sql.DataSource
    (getConnection [_]
      (let [conn (.getConnection original-data-source)]
          (with-open [stmt (.createStatement conn)]
            (.executeUpdate stmt "SET SESSION TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific';"))
          (catch Throwable e
            (.close conn)
            (throw e)))

camsaul 2021-06-11T21:44:41.186900Z

that works for me locally with Postgres + C3P0 at least.

πŸ‘ 1
mccraigmccraig 2021-06-13T20:33:30.195200Z

good idea, thanks @camsaul

mccraigmccraig 2021-06-10T15:52:43.184700Z

given up, just forced the JVM to UTC, which matches all our production stuff anyway

seancorfield 2021-06-10T16:33:29.185Z

See https://github.com/seancorfield/next-jdbc/issues/138 β€” that’s why jdbc-url got added (but there’s a bug affecting SQL Server usage right now β€” already fixed on develop but not released).

mccraigmccraig 2021-06-10T16:39:52.185300Z

ah, ok, that makes sense

seancorfield 2021-06-10T16:43:05.185500Z

HikariCP has some weird blind spots. Like: using username instead of user β€” even though all the JDBC drivers use user 😐

seancorfield 2021-06-10T16:43:20.185700Z

(and c3p0 uses user)

mccraigmccraig 2021-06-10T17:17:42.185900Z

πŸ‘ thanks @seancorfield