
lvh 2016-09-05T20:06:17.000003Z


lvh 2016-09-05T20:08:10.000004Z

I have a seq of generators; I’d like a generator that concats the seqs; how do I do that while keeping shrinking?

lvh 2016-09-05T20:08:17.000005Z

(IIUC sample would work, but would break shrinking.)

lucasbradstreet 2016-09-05T20:09:54.000006Z

Can you just do (gen/fmap #(reduce into [] %) (apply gen/tuple seq-of-generators)

lvh 2016-09-05T20:10:41.000007Z

(I also just realized that I can just make the generator later; i.e. first compute the concat’d thing, then chuck.gen/subsequence from that)

lucasbradstreet 2016-09-05T20:10:57.000008Z

Yeah, that would also work

lvh 2016-09-05T20:11:54.000009Z

thanks 🙂 that was stumping me until I wrote it out 🙂

lucasbradstreet 2016-09-05T20:12:09.000010Z


lvh 2016-09-05T20:12:34.000011Z
